View Full Version : Diagnosed finally and moral support

03-05-07, 09:21
Hi everyone
Not sure where to post this but feel like I need some support and help. I have been going on with this illness for nearly two years now and finally I got to see a psychiatrist who has told me I have a complex anxiety disorder which is general anxiety, compounded by panic disorder with agrophobia, and health anxiety on top. I don' think it's a surprise to me just horrible having it diagnosed, rather than glossed over by GPs.

Has anyone else had this combination and will I get better? Or if you didn't get better, do you know anyone who has? I am feeling pretty hopeless right now.

I am going to do some more CBT but my life feels ruined.

Like most people I can't afford to have this illness because I have two small children I need to look after properly, not in the half life that this illness has left me with.

03-05-07, 10:25
Hi Bead,

Yup toots, i'm with you on this one! got pretty much the same as you have. At the moment it's come back to haunt me but i did have a good few years there where i was ok, i knew situations that would set me off and avioded them so i have been limited, but was still able to do things like shopping, take my son to school, go to school plays, go to friends houses etc...just take it one step at a time, little steps!! Believe me it is possible to be well again, of course it is! and keep telling yourself that!!

lots a love n hugs

03-05-07, 15:01
I have the same diagnosis, I also have 2 children and its really hard to live with isnt it ? But I have had 3 months clear of any panic and agrophobia and thought I was going to be ok but the past 2 weeks its come back again !!!

What I find really frustrating is , why oh why isnt there a pill that stops the panic ? Do you take any medication for it ?

03-05-07, 15:49
Hi there
I have in the past taken escitalopram (an ssri antidepressant) to help anxiety but it didn't work 100%. I still had panics and anxiety and going on and coming off it was a nightmare I don't want to live through again.

I think there is a pill to take away panic (ie. valium or diazepam) but they aren't prescribed often because they are highly addictive and you would end up with more problems than you started with if you got addicted to these.

Were you like this before children - I am wondering if it was having children that tipped me over the edge.

03-05-07, 16:06
No I got my panics after having children, my son was in and out of hospital and it was all very stressful......I think having kids is the biggest worry !

I have some diazepam that I never use, only because I feel I need something all the time and diazepam is addictive so I dont take it.

I am sooo fed up with it all, so I understand that you must be feeling the same way (big hug).

03-05-07, 17:51
Hi again mirry
Similar to me then - I never had panic attacks until I had gone through several stressful episodes with the children. eg. failure to breastfeed, failure to thrive, both kids having febrile convulsions when they got high temperatures, one ending up in hospital because he refused to eat or drink when he had a tummy bug so he got badly dehydrated. And then of course they are both still young and hard to manage. I am sure the stress of having children has been a contributing factor for me.

But now of course the anxiety has a life of its own and I have the new stresses of dropping the boys off at nursery and school and have no friends there to talk to. Every day I just stand there on my own with no friends.

I have enough friends outside of this but I feel so alone at school drop-offs and pick-ups. Now it's all I can do to fend off panic every day when I have to do this.

03-05-07, 18:12
oooo the dreaded school run:blush: , Yeah Im just the same I hate it but I have made some super friends at the school, but it took a few years to happen for me:shrug: . First I never told them that I had panic attacks then over time I started letting it be known,, I was surprised cos one of my friends has had them ,so is really supportive.
I know its difficult but keep talking to people and you will make friends there :yesyes: . My Kids still make me worried, if my son wants to play outside I sit watching thru the net curtains ,lol.... I worry that much!
When he was a baby, he coudlnt keep any milk down and it was his stomach problem then his immune system was attacking him and all his skin fell off so he had to live in hospital for nearly 4 months and they wanted to give him cancer treatment but I said no cos it could damage his liver, then after that he ate a peanut and we nearly lost him cos he had anaphylactic shock so have to carry injections for him wherever he goes, then on top of all that he got diagnosed as autistic at the age of 5 years old.
Dealing with all this made me ill I think, at the same time I was dealing with a house move and my nans death. I think it all gets too much and in all that time I didnt cry so it has to come out somehow doesnt it.

phew , got it all out , that feels better ,lol.

PM anytime Beadbabe cos I know what its like and its no picnic :flowers: .

p.s I WANT YOUR SCREEN NAME cos I am a bead addict :winks: .