View Full Version : Weird aches and pains around my abdomen

08-05-17, 06:24
Hi everyone,

For about 2 weeks I've been experiencing these random sharp pains all over my abdomen. They are quite mild, inconsistent and occur most often around my belly button.

My bowel habits have also been really off. For example, day one I'll have a normal movement and later that day it'll be extremely loose. The next two days I won't even go. Then it'll be normal, than back to loose that day. It has followed this pattern since the pain began.

I'm not sure if this is related, but I have had mild flank pain as well. This pain is more of an ache/throb. I feel like it could be muscular, because it's worse with bad posture.

Should I go to the docs?

ALSO: I'm a young and healthy teenager with no other health problems