View Full Version : Sight problems

08-05-17, 08:28
So I was just chilling on my bed last night, I was doing really well with my HA the past couple of days when suddenly I got like a dark shadow over my right eye and it freaked me out because it was only on one side. By the time I got to the bathroom to check my eye it was gone (so after like half a minute), but it was enough to got me panicking.
I kept having weird tingly feeling in my right eye tho and as if something was bothering my sight, but I couldn't get myself to figure out what (also I have bad eyesight anyway and if you already have glasses its sometimes hard to determine whether it got worse or not). But idk maybe this could be just bc I'm paying so much attention to it.
Although during my obseessive checking I found out that I see colours and light a tiny bit (but really only a little bit) more intensively on my left side than right. Idk if thats always been like that, and I'm telling myself no one is symmetrical but I've never noticed before (and i also never checked).
In any case this was enough for my brain tumour fear to come back with full force. I've just been to my GP now this morning and she said my pupils are responding normally and my eye movements are fine so it can't be anything wrong with my brain. I know that should calm me down but you know - anxiety!!! I've literally not stopped panicking in the past 12 hours.
Do you think its normal to not see colours 100% completely symmetrically on both sides? And I know that anxiety can cause sight impairments but can it also happen on just one single side? I didn't have a migraine or anything. Although I do have pressure headaches and my eyes sometimes hurt because of them as well.

---------- Post added at 07:28 ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 ----------

also looking at my phone screen feels a bit funny and i have difficulty concentrating on reading

08-05-17, 22:06
I am partially sighted with severe eye problems and have a lifetime of being extremely well educated on eyes by necessity!
One thing I can say for sure is that once you notice anything in your eyes then your brain latches on to this and keeps noticing things which were always there but you never noticed before.
If you have had an optician do an eye exam and all was well then its extremely unlikely that there is anything wrong as they are experts and they also pick up lots of other health conditions as well.
If you haven't had eye exam for over a year then get one because this will help reassure you.
You do not have any red flag symptoms of eye problems either which is great.
REmember the more you look the more you will see.

09-05-17, 08:33
I've had a normal eye exam a year ago and a really detailed one abou 3 years ago where all was well (that was for different problems).
I still keep feeling like something is bothering me on my right eye, but I can't pit point it and then one second I will think there slight blurry spots or more snow but then I can't tell if there's anything again the next minute, it could just be normal stuff that I'm noticing more like eyelashes etc. It's so annoying bc I can't tell if there is something different in my right eye and what is it or if I'm imagining it!!! I am obsessively checking tho (which I know I shouldn't). Sometimes my right eye feels a bit tingly (which could just be my constant attention on it) but I also have eye pain on both eyes which comes and goes. I know anxiety has all sorts of vision symptoms, it's just stressing me because its only one side and because I can't tell what's different thats bothering me (if there's anything at all)
idk the brain tumour fear has just completely taken over me i can't deal