View Full Version : Setback

08-05-17, 13:17
I feel like my recover has been going decently well- however I still have issues that pop up and right now I struggling. I have a place on my tongue that has popped up that has me worried about thrush. I have read online that normally healthy people don't get thrush. I haven't been on antiobiotics recently and I don't use an inhaler or have dentures. And I know it might not be thrush and I know that I shouldn't just jump to the worst conclusion. I know all of these things and I am still struggling. This place on my tongue just showed up this weekend, it was def not there Friday. I am going to attach a picture- of someone has had anything like this I would appreciate any advice. My approach instead of rushing off to the doctor or dentist right away is to give it a few days. Also I am now staying away from google so I don't get more worked up. Thanks for the help and I am sorry for relapsing :(

08-05-17, 13:25
I feel like my recover has been going decently well- however I still have issues that pop up and right now I struggling. I have a place on my tongue that has popped up that has me worried about thrush. I have read online that normally healthy people don't get thrush. I haven't been on antiobiotics recently and I don't use an inhaler or have dentures. And I know it might not be thrush and I know that I shouldn't just jump to the worst conclusion. I know all of these things and I am still struggling. This place on my tongue just showed up this weekend, it was def not there Friday. I am going to attach a picture- of someone has had anything like this I would appreciate any advice. My approach instead of rushing off to the doctor or dentist right away is to give it a few days. Also I am now staying away from google so I don't get more worked up. Thanks for the help and I am sorry for relapsing :(

Stop feeding your anxiety. Leave it alone. If it's causing pain or discomfort or making you feel unwell go to a doctor :D Otherwise, leave it alone and don't think about it.

I haven't seen the picture. I can't tell you what it is or isn't. Maybe you bit it in your sleep? Maybe a bit of food scratched your tongue? Maybe it's an infection.

Get off Google. If you go back to Google, you're feeding this anxiety.

Feeling my tongue now I can feel a lump. I had some lasagne and crusty bread yesterday. The crusty bread scratched my tongue in 2 places and it feels a bit sore. No biggie.

I think you know what's feeding this health anxiety. It's yourself. You have to put in some effort to beat this as it won't go away on its own if you keep feeding the negativity.

Trust me, I've been there. At one point in life I was worse than most people on this forum and my doctor refused to see me when I was getting bad.

Sometimes it's just a kick up the backside we need :roflmao:

Take care you'll get over this.

08-05-17, 13:48
Shoot I don't know how to upload a picture on here

08-05-17, 13:52
I usually use Imgur, and then provide a link to the image.

08-05-17, 13:53
Thank you- I appreciate the kicks in the butt I have gotten here, they always help me focus on more logical things because my anxiety seems to be very illogical.....I guess something I struggle with is- when should I see a doctor? I don't want to go rushing over every little thing and I know reassurance seeking is not good. I had done all this research on thrush because my five year old got diagnosed with it, however it turns out that diagnosis was incorrect and his pediatrician told me has something called geographic tongue- but when I noticed this spot on my tongu- it's not a bump, it looks like a red island, like my taste buds are missing there? But I guess I had all that thrush info in the back of my mind and i stressed myself out thinking that's what this might be

08-05-17, 13:58
https://imgur.com/gallery/RREZ9- ok can you look at this?

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

I guess maybe you didn't see my reply- I did acknowledge his advice and said thank you

Catherine S
08-05-17, 14:00
Yes I saw your reply after I posted mine, hence deletion.


08-05-17, 14:01
Your reply kind of makes me angry I still believe- I am struggling right now, trying to fight this the best way I can and I think it's sad that you are a jerk on a forum that is supposed to help people

---------- Post added at 13:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:00 ----------

Sorry I didn't realize you had deleted your comment- I am just upset right now- not so much about the tongue thing but that I am still stuck in this cycle I thought was over

08-05-17, 14:03
Thank you- I appreciate the kicks in the butt I have gotten here, they always help me focus on more logical things because my anxiety seems to be very illogical.....I guess something I struggle with is- when should I see a doctor? I don't want to go rushing over every little thing and I know reassurance seeking is not good. I had done all this research on thrush because my five year old got diagnosed with it, however it turns out that diagnosis was incorrect and his pediatrician told me has something called geographic tongue- but when I noticed this spot on my tongu- it's not a bump, it looks like a red island, like my taste buds are missing there? But I guess I had all that thrush info in the back of my mind and i stressed myself out thinking that's what this might be

I know the feeling. Sometimes a kick in the butt is all we need.

For me, I will call a doctor if I know something isn't right. I haven't been to a doctor in 2 years. I did go recently to try some anxiety meds, but once the side effects kicked in I decided I don't want them and I'm currently treating anxiety by treating my mind. It's working. I've never felt better!

How do you know if something isn't right? ... usually when my body is saying "dude, something is wrong". The body has this way of telling you when something is serious. With HA we tend to think everything is serious, even though it isn't.

If I had a lump on my tongue I'd leave it alone. If it grows bigger, or gets painful, or is causing me problems, I would see a doctor.

Most people see a doctor for flu. I don't. And doctors advice against it in the UK and just ride it out. If my problem is no worse than a bad case of the flu I don't call the doctor.

I sat in A&E yesterday for 6 hours with my partner who had bad tooth ache. I seen so many people with some serious problems. Many of them left with medications and that was that. One guy was in the waiting room in a wheelchair holding a sign that said "Waiting for ECG". He decided to sleep on the floor and everyone was concerned. He was asking "get a doctor". Doctors came over, put him a bed, and put him in a cubical. By the time we had left he was on his way out waiting for a taxi. He was fine.

Although everyone thought his situation was serious, doctors wasn't concerned and he was clearly well enough to leave.

Seeing that helped me realise that compared to a lot of the people I seen, I am fine ha ha.

Catherine S
08-05-17, 14:23
Hey, who are you calling a jerk! That's an awful thing to say to me. All I said was we couldn't tell you from a photo what was wrong, and at that point you'd answered WiredIncorrectly just to ask how to upload the photo seeming to ignore his great advice to you. I said that was really sad and that was all I said...how does that make me a jerk? I deleted my reply as soon as I saw you had later acknowledged his advice. Be very careful attacking people in this way, that's really rude and anxiety is not an excuse for rudeness Chawk.


08-05-17, 14:38
I thought you were the one being rude when I saw your reply- I think this was just a case of misunderstanding and I apologize

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

And I didn't see his initial reply I was trying to put that right after my post which is why it appeared out of order

---------- Post added at 13:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:29 ----------

I think this was just a case of miscommunication- when I read your reply it seemed very unkind. I was trying to add my comment about not knowing how to upload a picture right under my post- I didn't even see the comments on my post- hence why my reply was out of order- and I do apologize for calling you a jerk

---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:32 ----------

I have posted several apologies I still believe and I am not sure why they aren't showing up

Catherine S
08-05-17, 14:40
I'm sorry I deleted it now, because people can't see what I had said, and it was not in any way bad or rude and would've been appropriate had you not have acknowledged WiredIncorrectly's advice, but you did so I deleted it. An apology and being called a jerk in the same sentence? Sorry, that's a bit much to accept.

But I'll leave it there and let the thread get back on track.

08-05-17, 14:54
Oh wow well I did apologize and I wish you had not deleted as well but I was trying to explain was I didn't see Wireds comment because I didn't refresh and he had responded before my second post was up- I really don't know what else to say- when I read your post I thought it was rude and I responded and now that I know what happened I apologized- you for whatever reason don't want to accept that and it's fine but I am just letting you know where I was coming from

Catherine S
08-05-17, 15:54
I can see where you're coming from yes of course I can but it's no excuse for calling me what you did, and the reply wasn't deleted because it was bad. You've made it sound like that for your own reasons.

What really hurts is when I look back at all your previous threads, i'm on most of them supporting you and cheering you on, and even making you laugh. If you ever take the time to read them you'll see that i'm far from being the jerk you said I was being today. Yes you apologised for it later and i'm usually quite a forgiving person...I have to be on here, but unfortunately some things once said can't be un-said. I'll steer clear of your threads in the future Chawk, but I do wish you well.


08-05-17, 16:04
This place is a great community. I've idled here for many years, and had another account that I lost the password for (locked out of my email). It's my first port of call when my anxiety is bad.

The people here can often provide more useful information than the professionals. They've lived the battle. Disclaimer: In no way should any medical information here be a substituted for real medical advice from professionals.

For it to continue to work you must treat people with respect, otherwise they may refuse to offer you advice and help in the future. Wires get crossed all the time, and anxiety can often bring on anger, frustration, and negative responses. That's the joys of anxiety. But you must be mindful of others.

@I Still Believe is a senior member who offers great advice here. They dedicate their time to helping on here - to which nobody is paid for.

I don't think you intended to cause any harm, but when I read the response I was a bit shocked. Never mind. You live and learn :) I hope you're able to look past this guys.

08-05-17, 16:29
Ok I really didn't think my response was that bad- jerk really isnt that derogatory in my opinion- I did apologize several times not really sure what else to do- should I do find another anxiety forum? Any suggestions on where I should go?

08-05-17, 16:35
Should I do find another anxiety forum? Any suggestions on where I should go?

You don't have to go. You haven't committed a major sin. It's a little issue as a result of miscommunication. I've lost count on how many times I've done it. Don't fret :)

Think of it like a friend calling you a fool for a bad decision, and you being offended for being called a fool. That's all it is.

Stick around. Your anxiety experience could help others with their anxiety.