View Full Version : There's still a dent in my boob!!!

08-05-17, 16:26
About a month ago I found a dime-sized dent in the bottom of my breast. It's only there when I flex my chest muscles with my arms down, but it is very very noticeable.

2 weeks ago I had an ultrasound. They didn't find anything, but gave me no explanation about what it could be. It was really busy at the clinic and the doctor seemed like she was blowing me off. She only spent like 30 seconds checking it with the machine and then told me I was fine and left. I know they are doctors and they know what they are doing, but for some reason the appointment did nothing to settle my nerves.

From what I have read online, the only other thing that can cause a dimple is fat necrosis (trauma to the boob haha), but they didn't find that on the ultrasound (or if they did they didn't tell me). I do remember about 8 months ago accidentally stabbing myself in the boob with my trekking pole lol (was thru-hiking the Appalachian trail) but I didn't notice this dimple till a month ago.

What the hell could be going on here? I know you're not doctors but if anyone has any similar experience I'd love to hear about it.

08-05-17, 16:30
They didn't find anything, but gave me no explanation about what it could be.

There's your answer :)

They may have been very busy. But, an ultrasound will spot an abnormality in an instant.

Stop getting worked up. Ignore it. You said it yourself, you stabbed yourself with a pole. It may have been there for a while and you've just never noticed it.

Bottom line is there is no underlying issue to it. Stop worrying about it. Stop focusing on it. Go and enjoy life :)

08-05-17, 16:38
You said it yourself, you stabbed yourself with a pole.

Hahahah I know it sounds so stupid but I'm sure since you're on here you know how it is. It just gets stuck in my head "something is wrong with my boob" and before I know it I've spent an hour reading cancer forums -_-

Thanks for that. I think I'll get out of bed and go do something now.

08-05-17, 16:43
Hahahah I know it sounds so stupid but I'm sure since you're on here you know how it is. It just gets stuck in my head "something is wrong with my boob" and before I know it I've spent an hour reading cancer forums -_-

Thanks for that. I think I'll get out of bed and go do something now.

You're right, I know exactly how you feel. I'm experiencing more "good days" at the moment, which allows me to reflect on the times I was in your shoes and offer some advice on how I've managed to get past the HA worries.

Get off Google. Watch some funny Youtube videos and tell yourself "zero f**ks given". That's the ticket ;)

Ps. I've actually had Cancer. Lost my Dad to it this year. You're fine, honestly.

08-05-17, 16:43
What the hell could be going on here?

It's just normal human anatomy and variations of such. Just think of it as a boob dimple... It's not like you can go to the local body shop and have them putty it in like a dent on a car. Beside, a lot of men find dimples cute :) "You like my dimples? Thank you. I have one on my boob too!" ~lol~

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 16:45
Ha ha that's made me chuckle fishmanpa ��

08-05-17, 17:05
LOL fishman. :D

Thanks all for making me realize how absolutely ridiculous i sound. Maybe I will take a month or two off from google.

08-05-17, 17:58
LOL fishman. :D

Thanks all for making me realize how absolutely ridiculous i sound. Maybe I will take a month or two off from google.

Google is the modern library. When you find yourself typing "dent on boob cancer" ... press that [x] immediately and move away from the phone/computer :yesyes: