View Full Version : Occaisonal blood in stool, and ongoing gastric issues

08-05-17, 20:04
Hi all,

I thought I had this HA licked, but after about a month of having bad acid reflux, and abdominal pains, I have been noticing blood in the toilet sometimes.

I also noticed what I thought was blood in the stool itself a few times.

It isn't black or really dark, but I am stressing because of the blood.

I have had blood in my poop before(I'm 40) but this coupled with the gastric issues(acid reflux, indigestion, not being able to burp, and a burning pain in my gut) have set me off, and I am scared.

Anyone else go through this, and what helped get you through it?

Also, let me say this....This site is a great resource, and the people on here are amazing. Reading posts from other members got me through my last bout of HA, and for that I am grateful.

08-05-17, 20:18
Just had it happen this morning actually. I had a particularly "challenging" sit the other day so I can only assume I irritated a roid or fissure.

How do I get through it? I don't suffer with HA so I could give a ~&@% less and I because I know exactly what and why it happened. The most logical explanation is most often the most probable answer.

How do you get through it? I think you know better as well. It's just a matter of convincing your dragon of that ;)

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 21:00
Thanks Pa!

08-05-17, 21:21
I have this too. I also have IBS, GERD and a hemorrhoid and a fissure that comes and goes. I understand the fear but it sounds like you have reflux and a hemorrhoid or fissure. The tissue is very delicate in that area and once it's irritated it can take awhile to heal. Even after it heals, it's very easy to irritate again, hence the symptoms/bleeding come and go!

08-05-17, 21:49
Had it once. I was visiting my Dad in hospital and decided I need a number 2. Upon wiping, the tissue was full of blood and painful to wipe. I knew what it was. IBS + too much alcohol. It passed after a couple of days.

I agree with Fishmanpa ...

I don't suffer with HA so I could give a ~&@%

When you start to think like this you start to think rationally again ... like a non HA mind :p

... blood that's dark red though suggests something higher up. The blood has had time to dry. Just keep an eye on it and don't stress.

08-05-17, 22:18
Thanks for all the replies everyone.

I have been having a bunch of beers lately, and eating stuff I shouldn't so maybe this has something to do with it.

I definitely have not lost weight. I have actually gained weight from Prozac, which I am now completely off of because of the weight gain

13-05-17, 00:55

I went to the doctor today and I specifically told him I have seen blood in my stool but I have for years, and then I told him about acid reflux and he gets going on it and is testing me for h pylori and liver and kidney stuff etc. So I ask him again about blood in stool and he gives me an attitude saying I should have told him about this, but I did tell him.

Any way he is prescribing me Nexium for the acid reflux and he will look into the colon stuff at my follow up. I wasn't happy because I was most concerned about colon problems.

I am still panicking especially since I have now had diarrhea for the last two days but I haven't seen any blood so I don't know what to think.

I am feeling scared.

16-05-17, 17:55
Update 2..

I haven't been able to get my tests done because I seem to have come down with a ear ache and a minor soar throat.

This waiting around is killing me.

My back hurts all the time, I haven't had any blood in my stool now for approx 5 days, so thats good news I guess, but I have read that colon cancer can cause intermittent bleeding so I don't know what to think.

I am 42 and this is really weighing on me.

This past weekend I have been feeling pain in the area where the gall bladder/liver are, and now I am freaked about that.

This absolutely sucks big time!