View Full Version : Blood in urine .... no infection

08-05-17, 21:46
Hi ,
I haven't been on here for some time ....
I've been trying not to google ,
However ...... last week I noticed blood in my wee .....
I went to the doctors on Friday ( panic set in .... ) and they dip tested but rang to say no abnormalities.....
Over the weekend I've been still seeing visible blood in my urine ....
I rang the docs this morning and they asked me to repeat the urine sample as this time they'd do a more in depth test .....
They called back to day they've sent this off to the lab as there's blood in the sample but no sigh of infection ....
I'm so scared , on google it says 4 out of 5 people are diagnosed with cancer of the bladder from having blood in their urine .....
I'm petrified.....
I'd be so grateful if anyone has any advice if they've been in this situation before
Thanks so much in advance xx:flowers:

08-05-17, 21:57
I undestand your panic but it is perfectly possible to have visible blood in your urine and nothing nasty causing it - I know because thats me! I have leaky kidneys and always have occult blood on diptest but have had when dehydrated in the past deep red wee which scared me witless.

I would imagine your Dr will send you to a urology clinic for tests just to be able to 100% rule out the cause being anything nasty and to be honest you need this to be done just like I had to have it done as well. I had ultrasounds. x rays and then a camera in my bladder ( looking for bladder polyps) and absolutely nothing so the explanation for me was that I have big filters on my kidneys which let blood through and its called idiopathic haemetura ( bleeding of no known cause). I had had occult diptest blood ever since they invented diptest sticks!

So yes you will be panicky and worried but any tests your Dr wants are to rule out the bad stuff and its just as likely that its nothing bad causing this.

08-05-17, 22:14
I was going to comment, but I decided not to. I don't want to scare you. I have experience with this, but it's probably not what you want to hear. If you want to know my experience let me know x

Gary A
08-05-17, 22:46
I was going to comment, but I decided not to. I don't want to scare you. I have experience with this, but it's probably not what you want to hear. If you want to know my experience let me know x

If you think it isn't what the OP wants to hear why are you even offering it? Why did you even have to make that comment? Do you not think that may cause the OP rather a lot of alarm?

In future, if you think keeping something to yourself is for the best, perhaps it would be best to just say nothing rather than dropping little hints.

08-05-17, 22:56
If you think it isn't what the OP wants to hear why are you even offering it? Why did you even have to make that comment? Do you not think that may cause the OP rather a lot of alarm?

In future, if you think keeping something to yourself is for the best, perhaps it would be best to just say nothing rather than dropping little hints.

Excuse me? :ohmy:

The OP asked for advice from others who had experience with this. I have experience with this. I haven't made any reference as to what I am referring to. I am merely advising the OP that I have some relevant experience. I could have posted without considering OP, but I didn't.

If this question was asked on any other medical advice forum it would be answered without consideration. But I understand that people here have anxiety ... like myself.

I don't appreciate your response :whistles:

In future keep yourself away from my responses :hugs:

Gary A
08-05-17, 23:04
You haven't made references to your experience, but you told the OP that it isn't what you they wanted to hear and also said "I don't want to scare you."

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe you did this without realising how alarming your post could be. You basically admitted your story would scare the OP but went ahead and offered it anyway.

This isn't a medical advice forum, it's a forum aimed at supporting anxiety sufferers. Yes, sometimes medical questions are answered but it is always aimed at reassuring the questioner, not scaring them witless with that type of response.

You may not appreciate my response, but I have to say I find your response to the OP utterly contemptible.

08-05-17, 23:09
You haven't made references to your experience, but you told the OP that it isn't what you they wanted to hear and also said "I don't want to scare you."

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe you did this without realising how alarming your post could be. You basically admitted your story would scare the OP but went ahead and offered it anyway.

This isn't a medical advice forum, it's a forum aimed at supporting anxiety sufferers. Yes, sometimes medical questions are answered but it is always aimed at reassuring the questioner, not scaring them witless with that type of response.

You may not appreciate my response, but I have to say I find your response to the OP utterly contemptible.

You are not the OP. You are speaking based on your own feelings and opinions. "In future" it might be best to let the OP decide on what they feel is appropriate.

If the OP finds my response distasteful I will happily apologize. They asked for advice from those with experience. They didn't specify a scale on which one should respond.

You've turned this post into an argument based on your own personal feelings. Well done you. All the OP wanted was advice and now they have to read this c**p.

Gary A
08-05-17, 23:15
You posted something on a public forum, by doing so you open yourself up to the opinions of others.

If you're going to sit there and tell me that you think the OP was asking this question so someone would share an experience that would scare them, then you don't know a thing about this forum.

I will leave it there.

09-05-17, 00:00
You posted something on a public forum, by doing so you open yourself up to the opinions of others.

If you're going to sit there and tell me that you think the OP was asking this question so someone would share an experience that would scare them, then you don't know a thing about this forum.

I will leave it there.

Let's say we're having this discussion in real life, as a group of friends. Imagine I say: "Hey, I can share something with you but I'm not sure if you'd feel comfortable". Is that unreasonable? To have a randomer jump in and say "Hey! You can't say that. You could hurt that persons feelings" ... would seem a bit wired right?

... that's exactly what you just did. Just as you have the right, and freedom, to post your opinions ... so do I. Maybe we've grow up differently and what we feel is appropriate is relative to our upbringing and what we believe acceptable. I'm not a robot.

I will leave it there.

Gary A
09-05-17, 00:11
Let's say we're having this discussion in real life, as a group of friends. Imagine I say: "Hey, I can share something with you but I'm not sure if you'd feel comfortable". Is that unreasonable? To have a randomer jump in and say "Hey! You can't say that. You could hurt that persons feelings" ... would seem a bit wired right?

... that's exactly what you just did. Just as you have the right, and freedom, to post your opinions ... so do I. Maybe we've grow up differently and what we feel is appropriate is relative to our upbringing and what we believe acceptable. I'm not a robot.

I will leave it there.

You didn't say that though, did you?

You said you had a story that would scare the OP, then offered to share it anyway. That's ok with you is it? You think it's ok to come on to a forum full of terrified people and offer to add to their terror? That's acceptable to you, yes?

You think the OP was looking for information that would further fuel their fears? Is that honestly what you're telling me?

09-05-17, 04:28
I was going to comment, but I decided not to. I don't want to scare you. I have experience with this, but it's probably not what you want to hear. If you want to know my experience let me know x

You had no consideration for the OP when you made that post. You also showed no consideration for anyone else who might be reading this thread with similar concerns. You can make all the sarcastic retorts that you want but it doesn't change the fact that you were in the wrong. Saying things like "I don't want to scare you" and "it isn't what you want to hear" to someone who has said they are scared is completely unhelpful. If anyone should stay out of threads on here it is you. You clearly don't understand health anxiety.

09-05-17, 17:02
You had no consideration for the OP when you made that post. You also showed no consideration for anyone else who might be reading this thread with similar concerns. You can make all the sarcastic retorts that you want but it doesn't change the fact that you were in the wrong. Saying things like "I don't want to scare you" and "it isn't what you want to hear" to someone who has said they are scared is completely unhelpful. If anyone should stay out of threads on here it is you. You clearly don't understand health anxiety.

Funny how the OP PM'ed me to ask me to share my advice. You're both wrong and you've both sabotaged this thread because you let your personal feelings get in the way.

I've had health anxiety for over 15 years. I understand health anxiety very well thank you very much. You can't expect someone to censor information that is freely available on Google.

FWIW my Dad passed away in January this year from stage 4 bladder Cancer. He fought the battle, and lost. I have experience with BC.

I've also had testicle Cancer myself. You have no idea about my health anxiety or what I've been through so please stop speculating. I will remain on these forums, and continue to offer my advice where I can. I will not be dictated to about what I can and can't write on a public forum. I broke no rules. I caused no harm. Non of my posts have ever been questioned (except this one). Stop your witch hunt, it's not working. I would never take advice from people who think it's wrong to be honest and share information.

@OP I responded to your PM :) If you need any advice or information please don't hesitate to contact me anytime. I will always respond x

Gary A
09-05-17, 17:26
Funny how the OP PM'ed me to ask me to share my advice. You're both wrong and you've both sabotaged this thread because you let your personal feelings get in the way.

I've had health anxiety for over 15 years. I understand health anxiety very well thank you very much. You can't expect someone to censor information that is freely available on Google.

FWIW my Dad passed away in January this year from stage 4 bladder Cancer. He fought the battle, and lost. I have experience with BC.

I've also had testicle Cancer myself. You have no idea about my health anxiety or what I've been through so please stop speculating. I will remain on these forums, and continue to offer my advice where I can. I will not be dictated to about what I can and can't write on a public forum. I broke no rules. I caused no harm. Non of my posts have ever been questioned (except this one). Stop your witch hunt, it's not working. I would never take advice from people who think it's wrong to be honest and share information.

@OP I responded to your PM :) If you need any advice or information please don't hesitate to contact me anytime. I will always respond x

The OP also PM'd me to thank me for confronting you and confirmed that you had indeed scared the life out of them.

Go you.

Oh, and I knew the OP would indeed seek your story, because that's what anxiety does. It looks for something to feed off, so a big congrats to you for providing a story that further terrified an already scared person and fed their anxiety further. I'm sure your story has set the OP back quite a way.


09-05-17, 18:37
The OP also PM'd me to thank me for confronting you and confirmed that you had indeed scared the life out of them.

Go you.

Oh, and I knew the OP would indeed seek your story, because that's what anxiety does. It looks for something to feed off, so a big congrats to you for providing a story that further terrified an already scared person and fed their anxiety further. I'm sure your story has set the OP back quite a way.


4 years ago I was sitting on an anxiety forum and I posted "Testicle feels hard, what could it be?".

Most said "Oh it's nothing. It's just your anxiety". Some suggested "It could be a cancer you best get it checked out with your doc". One guy had already experienced testicle cancer and told me to schedule an appointment with my doctor.

I promptly did that.

Was I scared? Of course I was. I was bricking it. But, I thank that guy because he potentially saved my life. Most told me to ignore it. Not him. I didn't find his advice offensive at all. Sure it scared me, but I was well aware that testicle cancer was a possibility and I needed to take this seriously.

It turns out I had stage 1 testicle cancer. Pure seminoma. Within a week from my post on the forum I was in for an operation and preparing to start treatment.

You may feel the information is irrelevant. I don't. Will you change my view? Not a chance. I believe speaking openly and honestly about issues is the best way forward.

It could be nothing. But blood in urine with no infection present is no laughing matter and one should take it seriously with the doctor.

@OP is doing the correct thing by going for follow up tests, and with any luck it's nothing. But I'm not going to hide information from someone that could be potentially valuable. I'm a helper on the macmillan forums ... I've done so for many years. However scared someone might be if they ask for information we provide it. The majority of people who ask questions on the macmillan forums don't have Cancer ... they're just very concerned ... like the OP.

Forgive me if you don't agree with the information I provide. We're very different. But you're not going to change my view, or how I do things.

There's a member on here (I will mention no names) who has had multiple heart attacks (he's a great guy too btw). He openly talks about it with others who have health concerns relating to their heart. Don't see you bashing him. I'm done with this thread.

Wish you all the best @OP x

Gary A
09-05-17, 19:14
Nobody said the OP shouldn't go for tests or seek advice from their doctor, so why you're kicking at those goalposts is anyone's guess.

The point is, this person is already concerned enough to go for tests, but you added to it. Why? You openly offered a health anxiety sufferer a story that would 100% scare them. Even after I've informed you that you terrified the OP you still seem bizarrely proud of yourself for doing so.

Macmillan is a cancer forum, this is not. I have deepest sympathy for you and your health concerns but I have to say, that does not give you free reign to terrify already scared people further without being challenged on it.

Frankly, I find your arrogance surrounding this rather nauseating.

As for the guy who has suffered multiple heart attacks, he tells those stories in order to assure people that they are not suffering what he did. You offered your story in full awareness that it would scare the OP, and you were clearly intent on convincing the OP that they may well be suffering the absolute worst.

That is utterly shameful, and you actually seem proud of yourself. :lac:

09-05-17, 20:58
Frankly, I find your arrogance surrounding this rather nauseating.

I don't know you from Adam. You popped onto a thread I posted on and attempted to belittle me because our opinions differ. I think if anyone should be ashamed of their actions it's you.

You don't like me. I get that. Move on. There's more to life than a petty indifference on a forum. Give the "zero f**ks" philosophy a shot: https://markmanson.net/not-giving-a-****


---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

I apologize. I've had chance to read back my reaction, and I reached out to to @Gary A to apologize. He's a good guy. His response helped me understand I was wrong.

I try to help others and sometimes I over step the mark without realising. I mean no harm or malice. I see this forum as my friends in my time of need.

@OP honestly, you'll be fine. I shared my experience ... but my experience doesn't mean that's what is wrong with you. You will be fine I'm sure of it!

<3 to all.

09-05-17, 21:07
It was a frightening reply. It made my stomach lunge just from reading it because I, the op and the many, many people who search for and read the thread have health anxiety. I'm sorry you have personal experience with that, that's awful. Glad you are healthy yourself now, too.

Op (and anyone reading this after searching for 'blood in urine', it's actually common to have trace blood and it be nothing at all. My doctor told me it's not even considered a concern without other things also present and that everyone will have that at some point.
Visible blood in the urine, I've also had. Mine was so much my wee was all pink. Turns out, I had a kidney stone. Not fun, but not life threatening. There's also other things that can cause it, such as ic. I had it once as a teenager, way before my kidney stone, and it was put down to extreme stress. I couldn't stop weeing and it caused irritation.

Anyway, hope that makes you feel a little better.

09-05-17, 21:19
I have had exactly this. Several times over a period of years.
Was most recently referred to a urologist and sat in his office sobbing, convinced I had cancer!
Anyway, he did a camera in my bladder under general and all perfectly normal! Sometimes they just have to rule things out.
The urologist said lots of people have blood in their urine and it turns out to be absolutely nothing xxxxxxxxxxx

10-05-17, 16:38
I've had unexplained blood in my urine twice. The first time was 15 years ago. The last time was last summer. Both times I had blood tests, a Ct scan, cytology, and a bladder scope. Nothing was found either time. The doctor said it could have been a virus. Or, sometimes our kidneys are just leaky.

11-05-17, 11:47
Hi everyone
I just want to say a massive thank you for your support ,
Honestly you're amazing and although I haven't been on here for some time I always feel like you make me feel welcome ......
I have had to have the sample sent off to the lab ....
I've been contacting the doctors reception every day to try and get my results but they're still not back yet .....
They said to call back tomorrow....
I'm absolutely pooping myself , I'm not going to lie ...
Me and my husband have just got back together after a year of being apart and imjust afraid im going to die
But I really appreciate the kind people onhere

10-10-17, 17:36
Hi everybody, was reading thru. I just encountered it this afternoon when I went to the loo today. It’s the first time! I was peeing and I looked down and saw blood running thru my urine. At the first thought was my period because my period was suppose to due earlier this week.but when I tried to wipe. I do not see blood. It’s scary shits now I AM ONLY 20 and I think I am dying of bladder cancer.
And I had a little bit of uncomfort like slight burning and pain. Well I will admit I didn’t really drink water during the day.
I too have some discomfort in stomach like slight period cramps. So I am still observing as when I came home, the urine was normal, no blood at all. But still have abit of feeling like I need to pee frequently. And because I’ve never had UTI before so I was thinking issit linked?
I am so afraid to see a doc. I am sure they will take tests and I am very sure it will come out with negative answers. I am suffering so much in health anxiety. And it seems like my body has never given in to me. I am really sick and tired of all this.

09-04-18, 23:23
Well said Gary A
Wired - I am going through the same thing and felt better until I read your post. Please don't do that on this site.