View Full Version : Eye contamination fear

Clydesdale Epona
09-05-17, 00:26
This eye fear of mine is really petty and somehow affecting my life incredibly, right now I can't sleep and probably won't for a while because I got two black bits out of my eye and it still kinda hurts and now I'm convinced if I sleep on it until morning that I'll go blind in it. its honestly terrible it stops me sleeping st night and if I get something if my eye outside I'll be paranoid its sharp like glass and my day will ruined through the fear of going blind, I've stupidly never been so scared in my life now. my partner checked and said he couldn't see absolutely anything but it feels like there is the corner, I'm not sure if I'm paranoid and if I can go to sleep, its starting to ruin me :weep: x

09-05-17, 01:39
The eye is very good at getting rid of any particles that get into it - the way tears work means that anything in your eye will simply get moved to the corner and gotten rid of. Your body is very effective like that. :) If you think something might be stuck, the best way to get rid of it is to gently pull your upper eyelid over your lower eyelid to dislodge it onto your lower eyelashes; alternatively, there might be nothing there, in which case if your eye feels a bit gritty it could just be dry, in which case try soaking a flannel in some boiling water, wait until it's cooled enough to be bearable to touch without getting too cool, then rest it over your eyes for a few minutes and very carefully wipe the edges of your eyelids with it once you're done. That'll help stimulate the oil glands in your eyelids and help keep your eyes from getting dry. Doing that a couple of times a day (when you wake up in the morning and before bed, for example) should be more than enough.

Either way, if you're concerned then speak to your doctor or a nurse, but it doesn't sound like it's anything that could possibly blind you or be anything serious - as someone who's currently recovering from an infected eye scratch, I can tell you that if your eye isn't really red, it's highly unlikely to have anything wrong with it, and even if that ever did happen, they'd just give you a course of antibiotic eyedrops until it clears. :) Mine's almost completely healed after a few weeks of treatment (the eyedrops are a nuisance purely due to the fact that I'm putting them in six times a day - they don't hurt at all, it just gets in the way when I have stuff to do) and my vision hasn't been affected at all!

Clydesdale Epona
24-05-17, 01:18
Thank you very much! suffering very badly with it tonight(no doubt its me acting out and panicking because of tomorrow haha) so this was very reassuring x
i just have moments like tonight where i think if i'll go to sleep i'll get an eyelash in there and go blind, don't know the logic of that :shrug: but there you go lol x

All the best :hugs: