View Full Version : Heart palpitations after eating

09-05-17, 01:31
Heart pulpitations is same as bounding pulse right? If so I have been experiencing them after eating sometimes. I mean like my pulse is around 80-90 but I can feel them in my neck and throughout my body. I can see my stomach neck and wrist pulse with my heartbeat. I had chest pain last night also. Went away after a min.

I have had two ekg's and lots of blood work come back fine over last year and half. I'm like some here. I am tired of going to Doctor it takes a toll on me and my family and gf. Seems like everytime I go now they don't do anything but say it's anxeity.

I'm trying to stay positive as fishermanpa always says. I also don't seem to be getting any morning wood either for idk how long now. I can still get it up for sex but I don't remember last time I got morning wood.

I am 33 I don't smoke or drink. I don't do any drugs I am on no medication. No family history of heart disease or anything. I am alittle over weight but not crazy over weight. 5:10 208 pounds.

09-05-17, 02:31
Top of your healthy weight range is 174.

Pick up a bag of sand that weighs 34 lbs and walk around with it, your heart will certainly pound.

My mother's dr told her it's normal for our heart to beat a bit harder after we eat... blood pressure and temperature go up as well.

09-05-17, 03:15
Top of your healthy weight range is 174.

Pick up a bag of sand that weighs 34 lbs and walk around with it, your heart will certainly pound.

My mother's dr told her it's normal for our heart to beat a bit harder after we eat... blood pressure and temperature go up as well.

Well I always stayed around 180-200 abd never had this issue before or never noticed it at all. I was up to 230 last Jan didn't have it then. I been keeping check on my blood pressure it's been around 120-125 over 80-85. Nothing crazy high. I use to be around 170 I almost had abs then lol.

I heard its normal for it to work harder after eating to but also read it could be from eating too much or from caffeine or some other ingredient. I think I'm going to try to eat smaller portions and maybe cut back on caffeine.

09-05-17, 09:25
It's very common.