View Full Version : just checking in...

03-05-07, 14:42
Just a quick hello, managed to get to mum's today.

No great progress and feeling increasingly isolated and desperate at the house with the boys. No word from Social Services yet ( and this is achild protecrtion issue? ), but my ex-counsellor came to see me Monda to re-assess me and she is going to start working with me again next week, focussing on managing the panic attacks. No-one seems concernd that the boys aren't at school!

Saw my employer fpr a "chat" on Tuesday - horrible, shaky throughout what seemed to be a very formal interview, I said at one point I felt like I was being disciplined.

Saw husband on Tuesday after several days of antagonism on the phone - his main concern seemed to be that it made him look bad! However, a bit more civil now but he wants me to go home (i.e. his house) and I won't go until some support is in place and he is signed up to anger management /parenting courses.

Managed to drive to mum's, very scary but I was just shaking in the house anyway, at least the boys can play in the garden here.

Ok well lots of hugs to everyone, hope to be back online soon.
take care

03-05-07, 17:36
hope it all works out hun and hope the cpourse help your hubby
and if you got surestart or homestart or anything like that they can help you investigate them things
my surestart ladie is great

03-05-07, 18:02
Hi xjlmummy, I think you're doing incredibly well under the circumstances.

You're not giving in to your panic, therefore you are on top of it - even though you may not feel as if you are. Well done, and keep it up.

Lots of hugs for you


04-05-07, 15:16
I too think you are managing beautifully considering the circumstances and always keeping the boys safety first and foremost in your mind. You are a great mom and I know your anxiety must be sky high but you aren't letting it get a hold of you. Great job!!!!


Laura :)