View Full Version : Can Citalopram make you feel down / depressed?

09-05-17, 12:14
The reason i ask is that i recently upped my dose from 20mg (after 6 weeks) to 30mg (just over a week ago now) and my anxiety remained quite high - but dropped slightly in the afternoons.

Now however my anxious early mornings are still there - but in the last 2 or 3 days i seem to be experiencing spells of what i can only describe as being "down" or "sad" - maybe depressed?

I wasn't being treated for depression more for anxiety so i'm not used to this.

Please could someone tell me if what i am experiencing seems normal - and is due to the drug being increased and levels "settling" or what?

i'm quite frankly SCARED and any advice or experience would be appreciated

10-05-17, 16:55
I'm experiencing the same thing. I feel sad, like i'm never going to get better. I too am being treated for anxiety, not so much depression (even though I do have some of that, i'm sure). I am on week 7 of a therapeutic dose of .I started off on 20, then 30, now two weeks on 40. I believe I am on day 13 of 40MG and still feeling anxious.

Senior Moment
10-05-17, 18:41
Hi. I'm sorry to hear that you are both experiencing this reaction from Cit, but I have to say that I am also relieved to hear that I am not the only person who had this reaction. I was taking it for about 15months and was becoming more and more depressed as the months went on. It was very frustrating cos I was never depressed before I went on Cit. I was suffering with panic attacks and anxiety but certainly wasn't ever depressed. I am now in the process of tapering off and I am going to try CBT instead. Can't take any more of this. Take care xx

10-05-17, 22:49
I was taking it for about 15months and was becoming more and more depressed as the months went on. It was very frustrating cos I was never depressed before I went on Cit. I was suffering with panic attacks and anxiety but certainly wasn't ever depressed.

Some will have paradoxical reactions on a med. Switching to another will usually solve the issue.

15-05-17, 11:19
Has anyone got an answer to this please?

i seem to have gone from anxious to sad / down? Is this a normal part of recovery after say 6-8 weeks ? (2 weeks at 30mg)

15-05-17, 12:51
Has anyone got an answer to this please?

i seem to have gone from anxious to sad / down? Is this a normal part of recovery after say 6-8 weeks ? (2 weeks at 30mg)

It could be a temporary reaction to the dose increase, or an indicator that citalopram isn't the right med for you. It is impossible to say which, but if it is still an issue in a week then you should consult the prescribing physician.