View Full Version : Getting worse again.

09-05-17, 14:06
Suffered for years with general anxiety and also health anxiety. After a really bad few months last year my doctor referred me to CBT, this was going really well until my Nana passed away just before Christmas last year and I spiralled downwards again. My CBT finished a few months ago and no offence to my therapist but I don't think it really helped that much, me and my partner decicided it's time to get some weight off and get fitter which I was hoping was going to help my anxiety. He is doing brilliant on his push bike, he can do 10 miles a night no problem, he did 40 mile on Saturday, I have only managed the most 9 mile in one go, I'm doing 3 miles a night, last night I did 3 felt great but was suffering with my sinuses, just as we were sitting down to eat I started with a strange aura in my right eye, I did suffer years ago with these, I had to go to bet to lay down as it was getting worse, went off after about an hour hour, today I have a fuzzy cold like head. I manage to keep a full time job, but not gone today as it freaked me out. I thought I was doing so well but obviously not. I'm so tired of fighting against anxiety.

09-05-17, 14:17
Try not to overthink it too much. Anxiety can be cyclical and you've already proven to yourself that things can improve.

Try and accept that things are the way they are right now, and just focus on remaining as calm as possible. Grief can be a big trigger for anxiety, but it does pass.

09-05-17, 14:31
Suffered for years with general anxiety and also health anxiety. After a really bad few months last year my doctor referred me to CBT, this was going really well until my Nana passed away just before Christmas last year and I spiralled downwards again. My CBT finished a few months ago and no offence to my therapist but I don't think it really helped that much, me and my partner decicided it's time to get some weight off and get fitter which I was hoping was going to help my anxiety. He is doing brilliant on his push bike, he can do 10 miles a night no problem, he did 40 mile on Saturday, I have only managed the most 9 mile in one go, I'm doing 3 miles a night, last night I did 3 felt great but was suffering with my sinuses, just as we were sitting down to eat I started with a strange aura in my right eye, I did suffer years ago with these, I had to go to bet to lay down as it was getting worse, went off after about an hour hour, today I have a fuzzy cold like head. I manage to keep a full time job, but not gone today as it freaked me out. I thought I was doing so well but obviously not. I'm so tired of fighting against anxiety.

When it comes to fitness, it is a great tool to help minimize and/or ward off anxiety and/or depression. Many people - myself included - have used it alone or in conjunction with other anxiety-reducing methods such as therapy, medication, meditation, supplements, etc.

I run a blog that I started recently called The Anxiety Press (www.anxietypress.com) where I write articles/posts about fitness as it pertains to people with anxiety/depression (Well, to the best of my ability). Give it a look and subscription if you'd like.

As for the symptoms related to anxiety, anxiety manifests in so many different ways that it is hard to keep up. It isn't like someone that may suffer from another ailment where the symptoms pinpoint to a specific disorder. Anxiety is like a goody bag of symptoms in which you kind of cut away the fat slowly by seeing different doctors to get cleared of the symptoms. If you have not done this already, it is a great way to help clear your mind of anxiety. Seeing a professional and hearing them say that you're fine with you're own ears can be massively beneficial.

As for a setback in anxiety, we all have those moments. I've been dealing with anxiety for years and have come a long way, but some days you just have had days for whatever reason(s) and the anxiety comes charging back. The best advice that I can give for this is to tell yourself that this isn't common, it's anxiety, and do your best to push through it.

09-05-17, 14:35
Try not to overthink it too much. Anxiety can be cyclical and you've already proven to yourself that things can improve.

Try and accept that things are the way they are right now, and just focus on remaining as calm as possible. Grief can be a big trigger for anxiety, but it does pass.

Thanks for the reply, I'm trying so hard but my stupid mind and body overtakes, I'm sure I'm doing it my self unaware.
The aura thing freaked me out, but I'm sure it's sinus related, or could be with the excersie also work is stressful, I have worked as a temp for the same company for 18 months 2 permanent jobs came up, I was told I didn't warent a permanent position because I didn't grasp the position and I asked questions and advice and I should be able to deal with issues without questioning, but she is keeping me as a temp, having 2 people set on permanently is like rubbing it in my face.

09-05-17, 15:47
Thanks for the reply, I'm trying so hard but my stupid mind and body overtakes, I'm sure I'm doing it my self unaware.
The aura thing freaked me out, but I'm sure it's sinus related, or could be with the excersie also work is stressful, I have worked as a temp for the same company for 18 months 2 permanent jobs came up, I was told I didn't warent a permanent position because I didn't grasp the position and I asked questions and advice and I should be able to deal with issues without questioning, but she is keeping me as a temp, having 2 people set on permanently is like rubbing it in my face.

I would try and focus on the possibility of gaining a permanent position once you have a handle on the anxiety again. I'm self employed, but I doubt I could hold down a permanent job right now as my memory and energy levels are rock bottom. Not being as capable as 'normal' people.....right now......isn't the end of the world. It's not a reflection on you at all. You, and a lot of other people here are suffering with a debilitating condition. I know it sucks, but it's only like this right now. Who knows where you'll be in 6 months or a year?

09-05-17, 16:00
I'm trying to think positive, I am looking for another job, as much as I enjoy it where I am and most of the people are great, but I will be sad to go, but I am looking forward to getting a more stable job.
Hoping to go out on the bike shortly when my partner gets in, I'm staring to panic because I still have a fuzzy head and worried I'm going to get the aura thing again. I have a big worry I'm going to be taken ill away from home which is from a bad experience years ago, oh I wish I could be normal and just enjoy the simple things in life 😬
Thanks for the positive messages.

09-05-17, 17:45
Wow, these posts I can really relate too. I was doing really well the last few months and boom anxiety reared it's ugly head this morning. I need to find a job, I've had a series of bad experiences these last few years and I have totally lost my self confidence in finding a job. Will I get fired, will they like me, what should I wear, will I be able to support myself, who will take care of the dogs and cats when I move out and leave them here with my room mate. This morning I just, I don't know sitting here crying not knowing what to do.

I just want to be normal and not have all of these spinning thoughts going around in my head.

09-05-17, 18:24
Wow, these posts I can really relate too. I was doing really well the last few months and boom anxiety reared it's ugly head this morning. I need to find a job, I've had a series of bad experiences these last few years and I have totally lost my self confidence in finding a job. Will I get fired, will they like me, what should I wear, will I be able to support myself, who will take care of the dogs and cats when I move out and leave them here with my room mate. This morning I just, I don't know sitting here crying not knowing what to do.

I just want to be normal and not have all of these spinning thoughts going around in my head.

I think I am a natural or unnatural worrier.
I does sometimes seem like a constant struggle and I relate to all you say. Hope you can keep strong, and all comes good.

10-05-17, 11:19
Wow, these posts I can really relate too. I was doing really well the last few months and boom anxiety reared it's ugly head this morning. I need to find a job, I've had a series of bad experiences these last few years and I have totally lost my self confidence in finding a job. Will I get fired, will they like me, what should I wear, will I be able to support myself, who will take care of the dogs and cats when I move out and leave them here with my room mate. This morning I just, I don't know sitting here crying not knowing what to do.

I just want to be normal and not have all of these spinning thoughts going around in my head.

Wanting to be normal like wanting to be something or someone else, or different state, positive thoughts instead of negative thinking - in general it's a reason of suffering. It's like you are looking way out from the hell. I don't want to feel pain. But pain is what it is right now. Giving up helps a lot. Ok, I'm sick, ok, I'm depressed. And possibly you could feel relaxed.

10-05-17, 18:31
I can totally relate to this post too. We'll get through it. When you say aura do you mean the little floating things that move across your eye?

10-05-17, 21:28
I can totally relate to this post too. We'll get through it. When you say aura do you mean the little floating things that move across your eye?

The aura it's like a prism that starts off small then gets bigger distorting my vision, within a few mins I just flake out. I am now panicking it's going to happen again, not had one like that for years.

10-05-17, 22:05