View Full Version : short stabs above eye please help

09-05-17, 15:15
I know I've had this before, but I can't help freaking out each time it happen. I had a sleepless night two nights ago and had a stabbing pain (maybe for about 5 or 10 seconds above my left eyebrow). I changed positions in my bed and is stopped (thankfully). Now two days later I am getting it on and off throughout the day--- for a couple seconds each time. Does this sound like once of those ice pick headaches? It's raining today and I noticed sometimes I get weird head pains before it rains.

It's starting to worry me. They feel like little jabs and jolts around my temple and above my eye. I do feel a sore spot near my temple. Does anyone know what this could be from, and any tips on how to get rid of it. Help talk some sense into me! I fear aneurysms and tumors and all kids of stuff. Please help me not go down that path. That just makes things worse!

09-05-17, 15:27
You may be best going to a doctor rather than asking strangers in the internet. It's probably nothing to worry about though. My other advice is to stop yourself from touching or pressing where you think it hurts, as this will make it tender which may make you more anxious. Anywhere starts to hurt if you press it alot.

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09-05-17, 16:05
Actually, I came on this website to see if others have had this. IF it gets worse i'll go to the doctor. But, first i'd like to hear if others have experienced this.

09-05-17, 20:20
I get this sort of thing all the time. They're short little pains and the more you notice them, the more of them you'll have just because you noticed. I have a lot of sinus issues and headaches as well before it rains (and even when it doesn't) so I've always chalked these pains up to that.

09-05-17, 20:25
Thank you for your reply. It was raining a bit this morning. I took some ibuprofen and it's dulling the pains a bit. The little stabs and jolts come on randomly. I can go an hour without one, then i'll get one. I wonder if I have eye strain from reading my tablet in the dark.

10-05-17, 03:35
These are called ice pick headaches. For me I get them with stress and/or sinus issues. They suck, but they won't kill you. Sounds like you need a good night's sleep.