View Full Version : Rib pain on left side

09-05-17, 19:22
Can rib pain be associated with anxiety , been suffering with it for over a week on the left side and not getting any better , obviously making my anxiety worse thinking the worst and make a big mistake asking dr google as it's coming up with different forms of cancer I'm done in my self doesn't stop me doing anything can't feel it unless I press on it or stretch etc I'm just extremely tired but felt tired for a while , docs says either pulled muscle or bra digging in which I'm really not convinced with 😔

10-05-17, 13:41
I've had rib pain in the past due to an exercise injury. I sincerely believe that thereafter anxiety played a pivotal role in keeping the pain around or exacerbating it. The pain would move around the left side of my body, on both the front and the back, the bottom most portion being on the lowest ribs; the highest portion being my shoulder; and lowest portion on my back being my upper back. Hopefully that gives you an idea of how far it would travel.

My initial injury was due to a chest exercise, which developed Costochondritis. Maybe you should do some chest stretch and such? I have an article on my blog www.anxietypress.com where it teaches you how to deal with anxiety-induced chest tension. I can't link to it directly at the moment, sadly. Maybe some of those tips can be of benefit to you.

I also always felt that taking full, deep breaths was of benefit for issues with tension in the ribs, as breathing expands the rib cage.

10-05-17, 14:08
Can rib pain be associated with anxiety , been suffering with it for over a week on the left side and not getting any better , obviously making my anxiety worse thinking the worst and make a big mistake asking dr google as it's coming up with different forms of cancer I'm done in my self doesn't stop me doing anything can't feel it unless I press on it or stretch etc I'm just extremely tired but felt tired for a while , docs says either pulled muscle or bra digging in which I'm really not convinced with 😔

I often feel it too, in periods it is worse than others. Now for the last days I have not had it. It comes and goes. Acording to what everyone tells me, save from the odd horror nightmare story you will find by googling cancer symptoms does not come and go and disapear for months and then show up again and then go and so on. Cancers are progresive and gets worse and worse.
Rib pain can be many things though and very often doctors never find out what it is, but if it keeps on going for months and years and is not followed by worse things it cant be something dangerous.
One question though: is it worse after something you eat/drink? Is it worse in periods without physical exercise and sitting still a lot?

10-05-17, 19:20
My pain is fully gone, luckily - my injury was many years ago. I went through Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture to help rid of it, on top of treatment at home.

I remember the pain being somewhat random in nature, in that it would fluctuate in location and intensity.

10-05-17, 22:13
Mine was ok at first just a little niggle but now I'm noticing it it's more obvious it's fine when I'm lying down and in the bath is perfect that eases it I just notice it when I stretch or twist my body , no other symptoms really apart from tiredness but had that for a while since taking propanarol , it has got worse over past few weeks but don't know wether that's because I'm looking out for the pain for :(