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View Full Version : Scared feelings dizzy unstable feelings

09-05-17, 20:24
Hi guys
Does anyone get a feeling of like being on a boat it's giving me anxiety thinking there's something wrong my legs feel a bit shakey as well
I'm on hols in Italy at the moment I should be enjoying it but I feel like shit

09-05-17, 20:30
Yes at least several times a week at my worst, been getting it for years so no worries. Enjoy your holiday. :)

09-05-17, 20:47
Thank you for your reply Mel

09-05-17, 22:17
Very sorry you're feeling this way, yes it happens to me especially right now as I've started the time of the month! Please enjoy your holiday, anxiety causes so many distressing symptoms. Totally understand.

10-05-17, 01:06
Yes I get this. I get this at work. When I wake up and walk around the house I'm fine. Drive into work I'm fine. Walk into my office then I get this feeling. Feels like I'm walking on a moon bounce or a boat. I think it's because in that fight or flight mode , blood rushes to your feet and hands. It's a weird sensation. Never happens at home though. Sometimes in a crowded supermarket

10-05-17, 02:55
I get it all the time. Parking lot, grocery store, work, you name it.

10-05-17, 11:04
I used to get it a lot. It is very common with anxiety. I used to worry that I would fall over or pass out if I didn't sit down or hang onto something. Many times there was nowhere to sit or anything to hang onto. But I never once fell over or fainted.

10-05-17, 20:40
Thank you for all your replys guys
Back home now still getting it is will give it another couple of days then go docs I have to say I am very stressed at the moment who go's on hols and comes back stressed out I hate body symptoms they always start my anxiety off