View Full Version : Red streaks in stool.

09-05-17, 21:42
28 y/o male. I just passed a relatively hard stool, it wasn't painful but it wasn't smooth and I did feel it coming out more than usual.
I then caught a glimpse of it and I noticed what looked like a red streak along the side of it and I'm worried about colon cancer. I didn't see anything on the other little dollops that came out with it and it wasn't there either the last time I moved my bowels, I think, which was a more normal stool. Also when wiping earlier I didn't see anything on the paper.

09-05-17, 21:52
Hemmie or fissure or a slight tear from straining is all. Certainly not cancer IMO. And FYI... had it happen for the last two days myself... bloody water even! I'm not concerned in the least ;)

Positive thoughts and poo threads

09-05-17, 21:58
I've had that happen to me multiple times and a colorectal surgeon has confirmed fissures on me. So I personally wouldn't worry at all.

10-05-17, 02:40
It happened to me a couple of months ago just a little fissure.

10-05-17, 17:21
Not to highjack this thread, but I have seen some blood a few days ago for a few days, but I haven't seen it since. Is that a good sign?