View Full Version : terrified I have colon cancer at 24

andrew sharp
09-05-17, 23:34
I have a terrible fear that i have colon cancerat 24. my mother and grandfather had them in there mid 30s. I have twins to worry about. im having a colonoscopy on Thursday and am terrified. idk what to expect.. I didn't know if just becsue they had polyps if ill.most likely.get them. my fear is unreal right now.

10-05-17, 12:31
Well, there are different kinds of polyps, and some are harmless. So it may be that even if you have polyps, there's no problem.

Also, suspicious ones can often be removed during a colonoscopy, so even if you do have polyps when you go in, you may not have them when you leave.

Since bowel cancer tends to be slow-growing it can be spotted really early if keep going to any check-ups they recommend.

And of course, you might not even have the genetics to get polyps.

You're doing the right thing and I hope it goes well. :)