View Full Version : Extreme tension and sensations.

10-05-17, 00:27
I talked about this is another thread I started but I figured I'd make a thread about just it. Ive been posting quite a bit and don't want to be labeled as a "menace" :ohmy: So since Friday I've been having these weird sensations in my abdomen between my belly button and chest. Its almost like tickling, electricity current, tingling type thing. These went on until yesterday when it started to move up into my chest. Then I began to get really tense in my chest...mostly middle to left side its like a constant tension and ocassionally it gets really tight to were I'm like ahhh for a little. Anyway I'm so nervous it has to do with my heart and its signs of a heart attack. I'm only 22 and own a landscape buis. so I'm active all day, today for like 10 mins I even ran with the string trimmer and heavy backpack blower to see if I got winded or dizzy but nothing, just out slightly of breath but nothing abnormal or remotly bad for how hard I was going. I've also gotten three ekgs, one echo, been to the doctors 3 times and cardiologist 2, plus had a stress test three years ago and a blood test three months back. Im just so nervous because it sounds like heart attack symptoms...this is day five of all these symptoms. Is this normal anxiety or what?

Was also out mowing the lawn about an hour after writting and was running with the push mower for about 20 passes 60' long each. My heart was beating pretty good and I was winded but nothing unusual for someone sprinting while pushing a mower lol.

10-05-17, 02:19
It could also be indigestion or anxiety pains. All that tension becomes physical pain. Mine typically start in the neck the eventually lead to minor chest tightness, stomach, back, arms...etc.... depending on how long it lasts. What you did there for 10 min was essentially a stress test.

Do you have any history of heart problems in your family? Diabetes? If not you should be fine. Having said that there is nothing wrong with going to the ER. It takes a few hours and 99.999% they'll tell you it was nothing. The first thing they'll do is an EKG, which takes 30 seconds. Just some electrodes hooked up to you. That result is instant and if it's normal then chances are almost 100% not heart attack. They'll still do a blood test just to make sure

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10-05-17, 02:58
I should have stated that as well... all of the doctors and cardiologist visits,ekgs ecbo, have been within the past month and they can not find anything and point it towards anxiety. I was extremely on edge and stressed which led to a first time panic attack that I thought was a heart attack..then snowballed into health anxiety. Also believe I have a slight acid reflux. I figured it would act as a sort of stress test, I figure if I can do that and not get dizzy and pass out....or die...I should be fine? Well both my Grandfathers had heart attacks in their 40's..but my moms dad blew butts up until now that he has copd and always drank heavy drinks, he's 76. My dads just drank ocassionally but probably didn't eat the best he was around 83 when he died of Alzheimer's. Other then that no heart issues or diabetes. I myself am very thin and in pretty good shape, don't drink, blow butts, do drugs or anything like that eat decentky healthy too, fruits, vegetables, no soda, etc. Active constantly too...doctors keep saying I am to young, too good of shape, heart checks out great and that I'd know if I had a serious issue especially the kind of work I do. Also that after a month I'd either have passed out, gotten seriously dissy or died by now.... It's just very hard to believe you are ok especially getting all these symptoms, especially the Most recent ones.

10-05-17, 11:00
You have had all those tests. You can trust that your heart is fine. Do you have a history of anxiety? What brought you to a health anxiety board initially?

10-05-17, 11:36
Thats what I keep telling myself but its hard when yhese symptoms are so intense some times. Its almost like my body knows I've gotten used to them so it makes then worse the next time. I'm pretty sure I have. I always have social fear, terrified of talking on the phone to strangers, avoid social situations, get extremely nervous over certain things, got weird sensstions everytime I got worked up, fast heartbeat during situations, etc. I had a hightned level of stress for like two months after we had two cats die, one had a heart attack in front of us..other old but in my bedroom..then my dad a serious incident with his meds and I came home alone and found him all messed up in bed. So every night after that I was constantly nervous about everyones health, especially his , hearing banging and screams when I was in the shower, vonstsntly checking to make sure everyone was alive, etc. Then I had an incident where I was just relaxing and it felt like someone was queezing my heart and I couldn't breath, dizzy, nervous, fast beat, shaking, etc. Apparently it was a panic attack and ive had on and off symptoms for a month now.

10-05-17, 11:51
You need to see a therapist. The course HA usually takes is it starts with fear of one illness and progresses into fear of an ever changing array of others. I would never tell anyone that their symptoms are all due to anxiety. But based on all the investigations you have had done I'm as sure as I can be that there is nothing wrong with your heart.

10-05-17, 12:46
All those tests ruled out heart attacks. Your heart is fine, what you have is anxiety. It's harmless in the sense that nothing is physically wrong with you. Get your heartburn checked out if it's constant otherwise it's try to not dwell on it. Dwelling on it is what's making the symptoms worse

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10-05-17, 21:53
I've got an appointment for a psychologist set up in like two weeks. So I'm hoping that works. These past three days have just been really tough...would anxiety really cause this much tension? Its in my left side today and I feel it coming on and gets worse and worse until it feels awful then stops. Then comes on again in like 10 minutes... its constantly there but not terrible the entire time. Its like someone keeps winding it up in there then realasing it.