View Full Version : oh the paranoia

10-05-17, 00:38
So yesterday morning I was hit with nasty vomiting and nausea. Yuck. Chalked it up to the stomach flu...had all of the symptoms, vomiting, nausea, runs (tmi), body aches, fever, etc. Yesterday was pretty rough especially since Ive never had the stomach flu, so I was pleased when I woke up today almost symptom free. Fever had broken, nausea was gone, I was still a little weak but the vomiting was pretty rough and caused me to strain a lot. It was like someone was squeezing me from all sides; even after all of the initial substances were gone from my stomach I just continued to vomit bile.

Now fast forward to this afternoon I thought id get out and run some errands since I was feeling better, still a little weak but I expected that. Over time I started to develop a pretty crappy headache. Whats making my health anxiety ramp up is that I took pain killers and the headache still persists, especially when I hold my head a certain way. I slept in some pretty weird positions from the stomach flu and did put some strain on my neck but I feel like the headache would be better by now right? Just trying to not let my anxiety get the best of me; I have been doing a bit better. Anyone have experience with this?

10-05-17, 01:14
I think it's just normal recovery from something like this. You just don't feel right for a few days whilst your body rebalances.

It could be a bit of dehydration maybe? Perhaps overdoing things a bit too soon afterwards?

10-05-17, 01:45
Yeah I think thats what was causing it to be as bad as it was earlier. Ive been practically inhaling water and gatorade since my stomach allowed me to do so. I had pretty bad muscle aches during the worse period of it and my back is still hurting a little bit. Just gonna take it easy all day tomorrow, hopefully a good nights sleep will help. The anxiety isn't helping I'm sure. I think what made me paranoid was that I took two advil and it barely did anything. Then a tylenol several hours after that and that helped just a little but can still feel the pulsating when I lean my head forward or bend over.

---------- Post added at 00:45 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------

Should also mention that its only on the right side of my head and neck. I did sleep in weird positions last night so I'm hoping thats all it is.

10-05-17, 02:21
It will probably mean rebalancing various things in the body e.g. when you have the runs you lose a lot of body salt. Your body will just sort itself out. It's one of those cases where both your mum and your doctor would be saying to you "drink plenty of fluids and rest". And food will help your body recover but initially we tend to need smaller, easier meals to build back up.

You have a specific event you can point to as a root cause. The rest is anxiety. And yeah, anxiety will be making things harder with any illness because it not only causes us the stress but also is making the body work harder anyway with the nutrients we take in.