View Full Version : Hopefully something to cheer people up

10-05-17, 01:12
Yesterday, after I Google diagnosed myself with a type of extremely rare and highly aggressive skin cancer that mostly strikes elderly pale skinned men over 70 with depressed immune systems (none of which apply to me), I wrote a poem, using the words of Supertramp's The Logical Song, about Googling (and health anxiety). Hope you enjoy and don't find it too triggering...

The Google Song (never never never Google)

When I was young, it seemed that life was so simple
It was so wonderful, I felt immortal
All the diseases that were so ghastly,
Were yet to be revealed to me,
Joyfully, playfully, I had no medical dictionary.

But then I learned to search for WebMD and the Mayo Clinic(al),
Terrible, miserable, it’s likely fatal.
And I found a world where I could be so abnormal,
Terrible, horrible, definitely mortal.

But there are times when all the world’s asleep,
And the questions run too deep
To resist the Google urge
Won’t you please tell me why I’m concerned
Though the results are likely absurd
But please tell me what I have.

Now watch what you read, they’ll be calling it ineradicable,
Cancerous, metastasis, likely terminal,
Won’t you put in all your symptoms, we’d like to tell you’re
Abnormal, bronchial, tumoral, a vegetable!

There are times when all the world’s asleep,
And the questions run too deep
To resist the Google urge
Won’t you please tell me why I’m concerned
Though the results are likely absurd
But please tell me what I have.

A pain, a lump or a spot, it’s bound to be critical,
I’m already planning my funeral,
And though the doctors say it’s minor and will go away,
I’m certain it’s incurable.

There are times when all the world’s asleep,
And the questions run too deep
To resist the Google urge
Won’t you please tell me why I’m concerned
Though the results are likely absurd
But please tell me what I have.

10-05-17, 01:36
Lol! Tell me bout it! I googled myself into the hospital last night. Have been riding a 3 week long anxiety/panic attack yesterday I was feeling bad all day and in the evening my right arm and chest felt weird. Like a numbing tingling feeling. Brushed it off and went to bed. Woke up at 1:30am to go to the bathroom and when I laid back down I had chest tightness and a sharp shooting pain into the back between shoulder blades. Well I talked myself into going to the hospital and 2 hours later the doctor told me that next time I have this feeling maybe I should try a antacid first

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10-05-17, 02:22
Yes, my doctor (the second who I had consulted about the same problem) told me (exactly the same as did the first doctor) that the 'horrible lump' on my ankle was due to scar tissue and blood clotting from a previous injury, and that I should stop poking and prodding it or it will just keep it inflamed and swollen. And that it could take up to 6 months to go away, and not to come back in (another) 3 weeks...and then she renewed my prescription for Zoloft and told me to stay off the internet!

11-05-17, 17:32
LOL, this was very good.

I've been stressing over my gastro problems and worried about colon cancer, when the most logical explanation is gerd, IBS

11-05-17, 19:51
The melody here is "The Logical Song" by Sumpertramp right?

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

But then I learned to search for WebMD and the Mayo Clinic(al),
Terrible, miserable, it’s likely fatal.
And I found a world where I could be so abnormal,
Terrible, horrible, definitely mortal.


Sooo true. I wished I had never heard or read abbout the existence of pancreatic cancer. I could not disagree more with thos talking about "the need for awareness about PC". NO! I dont want this "awareness"! I know when to seek medical help, every sensible people knows that. No one needs to be scared with horryfying scare mongering about incurable and highly deadly cancer. That is the doctors job to do IF we have not! Not before!

11-05-17, 20:00
Really like that, I was singing along

12-05-17, 01:35
Nicely done and so true! Looking at the things I've diagnosed myself with this week or in the past I can't help but laugh.

12-05-17, 14:47
Lmao I needed a laugh XDDD Thankyou XD

Catherine S
12-05-17, 17:36
When you think that it must be around 80% of people on this forum are here because they've looked up symptoms online and scared the bejaysus out of themselves :ohmy: There are some weird and wonderful ailments being asked about on here, that no way anybody would've thought of themselves without the help of online symptom checkers :D