View Full Version : Rapid Heart Beat Freaking Me Out (after eating)

10-05-17, 10:26
I keep getting a rapid heart beat particularly after eating which can last about 45 minutes. I went to the Doctors yesterday as I've a chest infection and saw the Nurse Practionee, I mentioned this to her and so she's referring me for an ECG and a medical. I am overweight and I said I was aware I was and need to take action. Despite telling her about my Health Anxiety she wasn't at all caring, sympathetic etc and said going for the medical could give me the shock to take action.

I'm now terrified I'm about to have a heart attack. Can anyone give me reassurance? Thanks

10-05-17, 10:55
I heard that eating too much can induce anxiety attack shortly afterwards. And to be honest I sometimes have the same as you

Catherine S
10-05-17, 12:37
Digesting food takes alot of energy and will often affect your heartrate. It depends on how much you eat at mealtimes, you say you're overweight so do you eat large portions as in, do you eat until you feel you can't eat more? Digesting larger meals would certainly give you a stronger heartbeat.

Other things that might stimulate your heart is if you react to certain things such as additives in sauces..Chinese sweet & sour being a main culprit, or if you have low tolerance for dairy etc. A sugar 'rush' can also produce a faster, stronger heartbeat too. The nurse will have suggested the ecg just as a precaution so I wouldn't worry about it too much. But if your fitness level is quite low then any extra effort put on your system will show itself, and that includes the digestive system whenever it kicks up a few gears.


10-05-17, 14:43
Heartburn/acid reflux can cause rapid heard beats.

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10-05-17, 14:56
Thank you for your replies. Why are Health Professionals tactless, I specifically said I suffer with HA and she just carried on. I know I'm unfit and overweight which I put a lot down to quitting smoking and since meeting my partner I drink more alcohol and fast food. We have started a healthy eating plan though.

Catherine S
10-05-17, 14:58
Alcohol and fast food equals a faster heartrate. Good luck with the new eating plan.