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10-05-17, 13:00
All I can say is thank goodness I've found this forum.

There's a history of Angina and High Cholesterol in my family on the female side added to which my dad at the tender age of 73 has been diagnosed with Alzheimers so there's plenty to go on.

I've always been a worrier but since hitting my late 40's I've become much much worse. Every time I have a symptom I reach for google and self diagnose which is a big mistake as it adds to the existing anxiety.

My recent and current bout was chest pain that radiated, I also have twitchy leg muscles(and recently around an eye) post-excercise, a flushed face, regular foggy head,and a sore liver/kidney area.
I came to the conclusion it's either a form of cancer, heart failure with MS, Fibromyalgia or MND thrown in.
I worried so much that one day while googling MND I actually started there and then with swallowing difficulties. Unbelievable!

Turns out I had bad indigestion, possibly damage to stomach lining from taking Ibuprofen daily.
The headaches I'm putting down to stress.
The twitchy muscles are most likely overuse due to starting late in life with pt/gym etc... A magnesiusm supplement has calmed it down but not eradicated it completely.

It' a much longer story but I won't bore you. In effect though I'm looking constantly for illness and when it comes it's always a bad one.

My two saviours have been Lavender oil, which helps immensely, and this forum.
I still worry on a daily basis but far less than I did. Small steps eh?

So just wanted to say thanks! Very much!


10-05-17, 13:07
Hiya Cobblers161 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-05-17, 13:14
Hi Steve well Welcome aboard to NMP :) Sorry to hear about your family health problems, it cant be easy for you. Yes Dr Google has caused massive problems for some member on here :eek: it's always best to see your own dr over any concerns :) A little tip, try hard not too look for illnesses that actually aren't there, fill your day with positive things like today it's nice and sunny been on here too long this morning so going out with my Dog for walk :) Any way glad Lavender and the forum helps :)_ Cheers

10-05-17, 16:13
Thanks Bigboyuk!

The lavender is great for tension headaches, I tried allsorts including co-codamol left over from an op and lavender works every time with deep breathing.

Yeh, I'm obsessive with the google searches, can't seem to stop :-/ will work on the positivity!

Enjoy the sunshine.

10-05-17, 18:56
Hi Steve, does the lavender help you to sleep or is it just for headaches? Wondering if I should grab a twig of it from my garden!!

11-05-17, 19:50
Hi There,

I'm using the oil from Holland & B plus a balm to deal with morning pressure headache on the way to work. It seemed to do the trick or at least partially help coupled with deep breathing. I put the oil on my pillow at night and sprinkle it in my car.

Sadly today it became very bad indeed after work and had my first ever nosebleed. Goodness knows whats going on, time to hit the forums.