View Full Version : Hiya! Just another newbie :)

10-05-17, 13:27
Hello all,

Just another newbie, 28 female from England.

I have happened to stumble across the site whilst doing my daily anxiety Google!
I'm glad I have as I am desperate to find some new coping techniques. I've recently come to terms with accepting I need help with coping and managing my anxiety issues as I can not deal with them alone anymore.

I've never had any problems with anxiety or worry up until maybe 10 months ago and they have gradually gotten worse. I've had a few rubbish times/events in my life like all of us have and everyone always tells me how well I have coped, how strong I am. I think its now catching up on me?

So in a nutshell I have an anxiety disorder (feels weird to type that) mainly about relationships and people. I am a worrier/panicker, I have OCD but over actual events and my routine, BDD and a touch of post traumatic stress just to spice things up ;)

I am great at giving advice and helping others. If I were to tell myself my own issues as if being another person I could really help myself. But guess what I doubt my own advice to myself! Anyone else do that?!?!

I am awaiting counselling and do not want to take any drugs if I can.
I am hoping to learn to eradicate these anxious and worrying thoughts and behaviours so I can go back to being my old happy, carefree self!

I look forward to exploring the forum and seeing all of your tips and hope I can share and help others too!

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day x

10-05-17, 13:34
Hiya snesleywipes and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: