View Full Version : Had night sweats and now freaking out about cancer

10-05-17, 13:36
As some of you know, I am really scared of lymphoma. I finally was in a good place and had stopped touching the nodes mostly, but I got night sweats the past two nights!!! Like drenching ones. I'm worried because now that's another symptom I have. To be fair, I do have a cold/flu type viral thing now and have been running a fever, but idk if just that would do it. Had bloods done a week ago and they were fine

10-05-17, 13:37
To be fair, I do have a cold/flu type viral thing now and have been running a fever

If you're worried talk to a doctor, but I think you have a reasonable explanation there?

10-05-17, 14:10
I feel like an idiot because I've seen three doctors in the past month for this and got bloodowrk

10-05-17, 14:14
If it makes you feel any better I have had drenching night sweats for the last ten years they are that bad I have to put towels underneath me x

10-05-17, 14:22
JITsjt worrying combined with swollen lymph nodes I guess. Ugh I wish I could just not worry about it

10-05-17, 14:43
Hey, I had big lymphoma fear 2 years ago and after reading some info about symptoms in internet I started waking up at least one time per week totally drenched. It lasted for year until I realized I'm healthy. I've seen around 14 docs then xD and few ultra sounds done and I havent any lymph nodes enlarged anywhere, I was just scared I can get it!

10-05-17, 15:03
I have had a cold/bronchitis going on a week now. Had a low fever the first several days, can feel a node in my neck and also had night sweats but it's from the virus. Sounds like that's what you have as well to me. Of course I can't diagnose because I'm not a doc but if your bloodwork has been fine you most likely just have a virus! Relax! You need to rest and get plenty of fluids. Since my fever has gone down I'm not having the sweats really, but I'm still congested, coughing and feel really tired. Sometimes these things last for a couple of weeks! Just hang in there and take care of your cold right now!

10-05-17, 15:08
Well getting night sweats really set me back. I am seeing a therapist and it has been helping a bit so I just need to remember all his advice

Does your therapist know you're posting on the forum for reassurance? If not, it's imperative he/she knows. Reassurance seeking is detrimental to your recovery.

Positive thoughts