View Full Version : Anxious about not sleeping

10-05-17, 15:47
I slept very little last night because I was feeling so anxious. My partner is really unhappy at work , doesn't know if his job is safe, his mood is at all time low. So I've been worrying about him and the situation. All I think is what if......all the time. Trying to be positive, forcing myself to eat little and often, no caffeine. But I'm anxious that I won't be able to sleep again tonight because everything seems so much worse then.I had to take the day off work today because I'm so tired and I'm suffering with IBS.

10-05-17, 16:45
I meditate while laying in bed and it helps me to sleep.

10-05-17, 16:49
How do you do it?

11-05-17, 18:59
I find the Calm app really helpful - it has a section on meditation to help sleep which includes mindfulness, music to relax and sleep stories to listen to.