View Full Version : Just Wondered If It's Me Or Not

03-05-07, 20:28
I'm Just About Getting Over Chronic Sinusitis, And Then Last Weekend Started With Cystitis, Wanting To Go To The Loo And Not Doing Anything When I Got There, And When I Did Go It Wasn't Worth A Mention That's Not Like Me I Can Usually Wee For England, And Feeling Very Tired And Weak, So Monday Took A Sample Of My Water To Be Tested At The (quacks) Got The Results Today And They Came Back Clear No Infection, Would An Infection Clear Up That Quick? Do You Think Anxiety Can Cause These Things

03-05-07, 20:42
Anxiety doesn't necessarily cause cystitis or sinus problems.

If you get cystitis again - drink loads and loads of water - that will help.

03-05-07, 22:15
Yep, can't beat lots of water to flush everything through!

Cranberry juice is also known to help relieve Cystitis by preventing the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

But get the Pure Juice not the Cranberry Juice Drink as this is diluted with water.

I found Ocean Spray to be about the best.


03-05-07, 22:51
Just had a look at your age, and at your age a uterine prolapse is a possibility, it would mean that your uterus is pressing on your bladder and causing the symptoms you mention. Did you tell the doc about your symptoms or did you just say about cystitis? If not it's probably worth another trip.

09-05-07, 12:35
I'm Just About Getting Over Chronic Sinusitis, And Then Last Weekend Started With Cystitis, Wanting To Go To The Loo And Not Doing Anything When I Got There, And When I Did Go It Wasn't Worth A Mention That's Not Like Me I Can Usually Wee For England, And Feeling Very Tired And Weak, So Monday Took A Sample Of My Water To Be Tested At The (quacks) Got The Results Today And They Came Back Clear No Infection, Would An Infection Clear Up That Quick? Do You Think Anxiety Can Cause These Things

I recently went through about 4 months of having urine infections, sometimes the sample results would come back clear, sometimes they would show infection.

Anxiety can cause you to need the toilet frequently, it wont necessarily cause cystitis, but if you have been urinating much more frequently due to anxiety you might have stressed your baldder out a bit, causing the uncomfortableness.

I have sworn by taking 4 cranberry tablets a day whenever I feel even a little bit of stinging, it was recommended by a pharmacist to me years ago, and my GP also says it is a great idea.

Seven Seas is a good brand, you can take one a day to try to prevent infection, or like me keep the tub handy and have 4 if you even just think you're getting an infection.

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

09-05-07, 12:37
Just had a look at your age, and at your age a uterine prolapse is a possibility, it would mean that your uterus is pressing on your bladder and causing the symptoms you mention. Did you tell the doc about your symptoms or did you just say about cystitis? If not it's probably worth another trip.

Oh I was also checked for this too as I also felt like my insides were pushing out, it takes the doctor just one minute to check, they just feel internally and will be able to tell you straight away. If by chance this is the problem it can be fixed too.:hugs: