View Full Version : Please help, in shear panic at work

10-05-17, 16:35
Hi guys,

I'm having a really bad.time right now and need some help. A few days ago my partner and I had brought intercourse sorry for Tim, I had a bit of cramping afterwards but thought no more about it. On the Sunday I woke up and had a spasm directly below my belly button, a cross between a spasm and a slight pain, I should point out I strained my stomach muscles badly a couple of years ago. Anyway the pain went away, Monday had nothing, Tuesday after sex straight away had it for a couple of hours. This morning nothing but I went to the Dr's she checked and said I don't have appendicitis no fever nothing. Thought no more about it and came to work, but this afternoon the feelings there again and I'm panicking the Dr was wrong, I mean I work in a pub so it's moving barrels, boxes stretching and so forth, I should also mention I'm due on my period in a week. And I've not got any std's or anything.

Please help, what could this be?

10-05-17, 17:01
Is he (ahem) large, your partner I mean? My other half is and the dr says he hits my ovaries during sex sometimes which leaves me in agony! We operate on a doctor knows best basis here, so if your doctor has said don't worry then please try not to. Anxiety makes everything seem so much worse! Positive vibes coming your way.