View Full Version : New Girl on the Block

10-05-17, 21:44
Hi. Just thought I'd introduced myself! I joined this site a while ago, this may be my first time posting to it actually because I thought I had gotten past my HA and reading the stories on this site helped me feel not so alone with my HA back then.
So here's my story of how I got my HA. When I joined I was going through some major health anxiety. To start it off, I started getting hives in 2014. They could be small or large but stayed centered around my abdomen or arms. After a year I went to the doctor who basically just told me to take zyrtec as hives don't have causes that can be found easily. It worked for a few months then allergy season came and I was hit hard. I had hives every where even on my scalp. A very swollen lymph node under my jaw too. I went in and was given a steroid. Took that and felt great. Stopped, and got hit again. Another steroid, and repeat. Finally got put on Ranitidine and its all under control. They pop up on occasion but I'll take 1 over 20 any day. Not shortly after I felt a lump on my abdomen. My parents and friends said I was crazy but I went in anyway. I had a benign tumor that grows in the muscle sheath. Schwannoma is the medical term.
Who wouldn't get HA after finding a tumor huh? Well.. My doctor removed it. Well this was fine but my swollen lymph node never went down. He never got bigger, but didn't ever go back down. I had a CT of my neck and abdomen which only showed I had 3 very small thyroid nodules. Didn't see my lymph node. Skip to May 2016, he's still hanging out. Another ultrasound and it finally appeared. So I wanted him out and biopsied. It came back clear.
During this whole time I suffered from abdominal discomfort alternating from left and right side, constant sinus infections, and a slew of symptoms that I was sure I was dying from every cancer known to man. After I got the node out, I told myself enough was enough. I stopped googling and worrying. All my symptoms have stopped. Aside from hives. I was 26 years old and I was going to live my life. But I'm back here again it seems over missed period hopefully due to messing with my pill cycle. All I ever get from family and friends is usually that I'm crazy or overreacting. It's just good to know I'm not so alone with my HA, I just wish my family would make an effort to understand it better.

10-05-17, 21:54
Hiya Michan90 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: