View Full Version : Leukemia fear

10-05-17, 22:52
So I am an otherwise healthy 22 year old male. A few months ago, I noticed that i started getting these small red dots that were under the skin like broken capillaries under the skin on my arms and upper legs. I noticed that taking Ibuprofen makes these dots worse. I went to the doctor and showed them these dots and they performed a blood test and my doctor said everything was fine. Well i started noticing a few weeks ago that if i rub my nose hard enough, it will cause a nosebleed but it will heal up on its own. I read the symptoms of Leukimia and these are the symptoms in addition to weight loss which I dont have if anything ive had weight gain. another symptom was increased infections and ive had like 3 colds this year but they each cleared up on their own and where I was living, I was surrounded by alot of people. I am so paranoid and scared that I have Leukemia and I dont know what to do

10-05-17, 23:17
this same thought is driving me crazy at the moment. my daughter had a CBC test and her white blood count is elevated at 16 (normal is 14). her red blood count/plateta count are normal. she didn't have the differential test.

i'm going to bring her back to see the doctor tomorrow. they want urine test, and other blood tests + a repeat of CBC. what makes me sick is that she is active and happy. she has no cold symptoms or infection at the moment beside allergy (runny nose in the morning) and she was very stressed out when they took her blood yesterday.

I know i shall be strong for her, but right now I"m a complete mess too. I wish i can think logically, but I can't.

i wish us both luck that nothing is serious.

10-05-17, 23:31
You've posted (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=195763) about this fear before. You doctor isn't worried nor should you be.

Positive thoughts

11-05-17, 01:50
Ibuprofen thins your blood making it harder to clot. That's what causes the red dots.

Leukemia causes bleeding because of thrombocytopenia (low platelets). If your platelets were in normal range then you have nothing to worry about.

11-05-17, 02:51
Ibuprofen thins your blood making it harder to clot. That's what causes the red dots.

Leukemia causes bleeding because of thrombocytopenia (low platelets). If your platelets were in normal range then you have nothing to worry about.

I'm asking for my daughter. I spoke with her doctor after the result and the doctor said she is not anemic because her platelets is normal. Your response gives me hope. She didn't release the test result but she will go over it with me tomorrow. I'm still not sure how I can survive tonight

11-05-17, 16:34
I have these red dots and have for ages, the spots that come with leukaemia are far more clustered than the odd one here and there x

11-05-17, 17:58
Why does he need to fear the worst?

11-05-17, 18:35
Deleted post by another member removed from this reply - Elen

I'm sorry but this wasn't necessary IMO. If you look at the OP's history, you'll see a definite pattern of irrational fears, none of which came to fruition. Granted, fear enough about something and there's a snowball's chance in hell it could happen in one's lifetime but based on the age and history, it's unnecessary to put the fear of God into the OP especially after being cleared by a medical professional.

I'm a survivor and I can tell you it was my GP that raised the red flags and referred me for further testing. To pursue further testing with no viable reason is a waste of time and money and it just feeds the dragon.

Positive thoughts

11-05-17, 20:09
Deleted post by another member removed from this reply - Elen

That was completely uncalled for, seriously. You Have the Canadian flag on your profile. If that was true you would know here in canada you cant simply bypass a GP. He's the only one that could refer you to a specialist. So clearly your comment was made to raise even further the levels of anxiety of the person who started the thread.

Have some compassion for those suffering with HA.


12-05-17, 04:14
Deleted post by another member removed from this reply - Elen

So just ignore his doctor and listen to you, a food and beverage director? :whistles:

12-05-17, 05:42
Looks like we have a troll on our hands.

12-05-17, 08:46

What an irresponsible at best, and potentially ill-intentioned at worst, post.

12-05-17, 09:00
What a dickhead.

12-05-17, 13:19
I will delete the offending post but will have to edit the posts quoting it, if that makes sense.


12-05-17, 13:36
I will delete the offending post but will have to edit the posts quoting it, if that makes sense.


Good point."Unquoted" mine.