View Full Version : Did I Have a Stroke Or Am I Having One?

04-05-07, 03:09
Today ,I have been inside for most of the day ..there was kind of weird glare coming in on my right side through the window.I sat and watched the tv and looked to the outside world through joystick and screen.

I really didn't notice anything unusal at the time ,but my eyes were bothering me..Things looked a little foggy but they do at that time of day sometimes here since we are so close to the sun.

My day seemed a little odd and I didnt sleep well last night,I kept having unusal dreams and waking up about every hour.As I got up this afternoon my right eye seemed to ache..and the vision was blurry..allthough I can read a little with it and even with my reading glasses I can read but seem to be having to readjust focus every little bit..My eyes both seem very odd and makes me wonder whether its just allergies,sinus or maybe im having a mini stroke and don't know it.

Even now my eyes are hurting me and things look hazy but the odd thing is when i readjust them I can see .I did a test and my right eye which is hurting behind it is just a little out of focus and my left eye seems ok ,but when I turned the computer on it seems my eyes are just too tired to be able to read or write to much .I just want to close them.Is it possible its eye strain ,or allergies or am I just paying to much attention to my eyes and imagaining that its a stroke when its just allergies or sinus or something??Please help?

04-05-07, 12:25
It could be eye strain, especially as you mentioned joysticks - it's easy to strain your eyes on a computer. It could be eye strain compounded by a bit of hayfever. As the pain is behind one eye, you could be having a mild migraine (that would also account for many of your other symptoms). Whichever of these it is, it is almost certainly not a stroke, as you would have a series of other symptoms such as difficulty in speaking, numbness or weakness, loss of balance or coordination and a pretty severe headache. You could try lying back with cold teabags or slices of cucumber on your eyes for a while and see if that helps, but if you've been resting your eyes for a couple of days and no improvement, you might want to see your GP.

04-05-07, 22:16
It seems a little better today.I laid down and close my eyes and went fast asleep at 9pm last night and slept until my wife got ready to go to bed about 12mid..I got up and my eyes were feeling somewhat better.It took me while to get back to sleep and really odd feeling mentally ,perhaps from sleeping early then gong back to sleep.

I woke early this morning with an intense pounding in my head..I usually hear my heartbeat in subtle ways somedays and other days I hear it very loudly.I don't know why my I had very anxious dreams to where they made me so nervous everytime I would go to sleep I would awake feeling really nervous..

Today my mind has been in an odd haze.I hear the pounding in my neck or head so loudly that it can't help but be focused on.I don't know why but waking up early hearing my heart pounding in my head sure didn't help my feelings very much and actually has made me feel somewhat insecure and sick inside today . My eyes are better a little bit..and it could be the glare from the windows and the odd sunlight that we experience from being at 8500 ft..or the weather or allergies or what have you .

I will however check with my gp in a few days if things dont get better and thanks for you response..