View Full Version : First Mammogram and call back fear

11-05-17, 00:10
On Friday I did my first mammogram, I'm age 41 (in US they start these at 40). I was scheduled for a 3D mammogram and wasn't too worried. No history of it or ovarian cancer in my family and my obgyn had just did a manual breast exam a few days before....no lumps felt. Mammogram was quick and radiologist even said see you in a year! So felt pretty good leaving. Then I got the phone call from imaging center that i needed more scans done and to schedule something next week. I got no details until my GP called later that day and said she isn't concerned but to be on the safe side to get further scan done and ultrasound of right breast for asymmetric density. She says it's common with 1st time mammogram to get a call back for this. Still I am freaking out! I havw to wait a week for my appointment and am beside myself with worry.

11-05-17, 00:57
If your doctor isn't worried, then there's probably nothing to worry about. :) Scans aren't always accurate the first time, and if your tissue is denser on one side, it could just be that the image they got from the scan wasn't quite clear enough, so they'll try again to give themselves a clearer picture. It sounds like they're being thorough just to be on the safest possible side and ensure they actually get a good look at everything, but I don't think it sounds like there's anything to worry about from what your GP is saying. :) I imagine she'd be honest if there was a problem.

11-05-17, 05:33
Thank you for your response. That helps to put it into perspective. Waiting is always the worst part.

11-05-17, 08:51
I had a call back with my first mammogram, I'm sure it's ok and just procedure xx

11-05-17, 15:32
Ugh, mammograms. I am turning 40 next week. My doctor had me go for a baseline at 35 and I got a call back. They noticed densities as well which required an ultrasound. It was determined by the ultrasound that they were cysts. I also have extremely dense breasts.
I know it's stressful, but like the other poster said, I am sure they would be honest with you if there was any concern whatsoever.

11-05-17, 15:43
That's pretty much what they are telling me. I figure at the very least anything needing treatment will be caught early. Best case it's nothing 😊

28-05-17, 04:29
Just to update....my call back mammogram was clear...jisr some dense tissue. Hope this helps for anyone else worried about a call back.

29-05-17, 17:24
It's your first scan, they are learning your body, they have to see what's normal and abnormal for you. My sister actually found a lump on her breast, and went and had a scan done, it turned out fine. Just relax and take a moment to be thankful for your good health.

29-05-17, 17:37
Glad it was clear!!

29-05-17, 23:37
Glad you got the all clear. My wife was told before her first mammogram, that if she got a call back, not to worry. It is VERY common for the first one, as they have to get more accurate readings, and dense tissue (as was your case) as well as other non-dangerous abnormalities require them to take a closer look, not because they are worried, but because they need to establish your, personal baseline for future mammograms.

Just throwing this out there for those who might come across this in the future.

30-05-17, 19:35
My appointment is coming in 2hrs and I'm scared already.