View Full Version : Should I see doctor ASAP?

11-05-17, 01:57
I'm a healthy 23 year old male. I quit smoking cigarrte 6 months ago and used to smoke a cigarette a day for 2 years. Also I eat very clean and workout a lot. Ok so the past month I have been having a dull pain right below my left shoulder blade. I can push on the spot and it hurts like a bruise. I have no idea what it is since it feels like a muscle or pinched nerve but I have zero pain when lifting heavy weights for back and shoulders. Also just yesterday, out of no where I started to have a frog in throat feeling right at the bottom of the throat where it disappears between the collar bones. It hurt a lot yesterday and today it hurts a lot if I look straight up and swallow. Also I have some accompanying pain in my neck opposite of where the throats hurts. My shoulder blade pain still hasn't gotten any better and sometimes I have pain below left shoulder blade at the bottom of my ribcage, on the left side on back. I'm worried it's cancer but don't want to go get it checked since I don't have a ton of money. Should I be concerned? Last I don't have any other noticeable symptoms like nights sweats, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss. I have though been feeling more achey recently.

11-05-17, 09:56
I get this too, if I have been sleeping on it or something of the sort.

Don't rush to the ER, just head to a GP. I mean, it isn't very concerning. You would have pretty serious symptoms.

That said, I am not really aware of the costs of healthcare in America.