View Full Version : To get a nuclear stress test or not?

11-05-17, 02:30
So few days ago I had some chest pain for around min or two. Well this morning I woke up abd turned over and felt this fluttering in my chest area like fast. Felt like it hit like 10-15 times in matter of 2-3 seconds. I'm not even sure if it was my heart or not. Haven't felt it again since. And I checked my blood pressure it was 111/78 pulse like 73.

So I went to my family dr center seen a new dr and they ran another EKG on me which came back normal like the 2 I've had over past year and half. The one before this was feb this year. ER Doctor didn't seem worried.

So the dr was nice asked decent amount questions and and checked me over listening to my heart and asking if I had stress in my life. if I was anxious I told him yeah some.

So he said we can do stress test to put this under a bridge. That will show if it is for sure cardiac related. Which I was told by the ER Doctor in feb it was not cardiac related. I asked him if he thought I needed it he said for peace of mind and I was like should I be worried about it or think it might show anything. He said no I shouldn't worry at all. So now I am on the fence of paying out of pocket to get it done or just pass on it. It's scheduled for 25th this month but I am thinking of cancelling. I am 33 don't smoke or drink. No drugs and no history of heart diease.

Like I said I have no insurance and have been paying out of pocket for past year and half. I've done had 4 ekg's lots of blood work even two full blood work that checks my Tropin and all that for my heart. About 4-5 Cbc's and 3 blood test to check my thyroid function all came back completely fine. Also got Colonscopy and a abominal ultrasound over past year and half.

Sorry for the long post. Just ranting i guess. Just thinking of cancelling this test. I'm getting tired of getting test done that come back fine abd cost me hundred and thousands of dollars. I feel like he didn't see the need just wanted to put it to rest being I have seen 2 other doctors at the practice where he works. None seem worried.

11-05-17, 14:52
It's your call really.

I was in a similar spot as you. They didn't offer the stress test the offered a echocardiogram. I went for it. For the peace of mind. I was afraid of the what ifs. I told my psychologist and she told me to go forward with the procedure, so I can get over this fear. And it did help.
Others would say don't do it you are just egging on the anxiety.

But at the end do what you know is best for you.

"You want to cancel. Cause deep down you know you are fine" Then do it.

12-05-17, 00:41
IMO, based on your post? It's just a really expensive price for reassurance. The money would be better off spent treating your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

12-05-17, 05:00
IMO, based on your post? It's just a really expensive price for reassurance. The money would be better off spent treating your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

I'm second guessing it also fishmanpa. I'm assuming that's only reason he offered it was for it to reassure me being I have had off and on chest pain here and there over past few years. I know you would know best on the subject.

I had full blood work done on feb 14th at ER with a EKG. Doctor really talked up my blood work numbers then too. He said with numbers like that I would never see blockages. And he pretty much brushed off any idea of my pain being angina when Mentioned it to him. His exact words my chest pains are not cardiac related. He said you can tell people with bad blood work usually just by looking at the blood he said some blood work he's seen is so thick and greasy looking. That you could pretty much see grease in it. I know my blood isn't too thick it always shoots thru the tube when they take it.

Stuff just don't make sense to me anymore but I was reading more about the test and CAD. Pretty much that test is checking for CAD which is plaque from bad cholesterol and blood fat on artery walls (I'm sure you done know all this thought). But if that is the case and I don't smoke drink and my blood work is always great then it seems even more like a waste of money for this test just to make me feel better.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm not experiencing any shortness of breathe me and gf went riding bikes today which I didn't push myself too hard but got the blood a flowing just go see if I'd get any chest pains and shortness of breathe beyond just normal activity breathing. I didn't experience any that I could tell no more then my gf which we are both out of shape some.

I really am starting to think this test would be a waste of money. I don't remember getting chest pains like this till I went to ER first time with chest pains. Then was told it was anxeity. That was Jan last year. I just think if my blood work is good and I'm not experiencing chest pain or shortness of breathe during excersice and I don't smoke or do drugs then what is odds of me having CAD? I also read those test usually don't pick up stuff that is not 70% blocked and most people have heart attack Before then so idk how accurate that is either.

Sorry for the long post I know you know more about this stuff then I do. I hope all is well on your end and info is appreciated fishmanpa.

12-05-17, 05:16
It is your call to make as we can only give advice. But speaking from personal experience I had a lot of tests done with similar symptoms and in the end nothing turned up except a little bit of anemia. Not a nuclear stress test but definitely a good amount of tests. It is up to you in the end, what you feel in your head is best. Something major likely would've turned up on the tests you've already had, tho.

12-05-17, 06:39
It is your call to make as we can only give advice. But speaking from personal experience I had a lot of tests done with similar symptoms and in the end nothing turned up except a little bit of anemia. Not a nuclear stress test but definitely a good amount of tests. It is up to you in the end, what you feel in your head is best. Something major likely would've turned up on the tests you've already had, tho.

I think so also. Everyone even my family think it's a waste of money. I wish I could feel normal again :(. I asked the doctor if he seen anything that suggested I needed it and if I should worry about it. He said no I wouldn't worry at all. I feel like if I had more red flags then yes. Like bad blood work or something else. Idk I'm on the fence about it but after I got the colonscopy and ultrasound for stuff I thought was wrong then made me feel better for little bit but I went to something else and wish I would have just saved the money.

---------- Post added at 05:39 ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 ----------

Been checking blood pressure a little too many times past couple days well today I had a pressure 111/76 pulse 59! Then had one 113/78 pulse 58! Is this something I should be worried about of course I googled and said heart diease could cause this. I'm not on any medications or anything. I have cut back on caffeine. The rest time I checked it my pulse was over 60 each time.

12-05-17, 08:38
My husband's BP is usually 110/74 and his pulse is about the same as your pulse rate. The doctor told him that people would love to get those readings. A pulse rate in the 50s is enviable. Is it a cardiologist suggesting the test or an ER doctor? Your age, your BP, pulse rate, extensive blood work and all those ECGs strongly suggest there is nothing wrong with your heart. I don't understand why the doctor has suggested you get the stress test.

12-05-17, 12:36
My husband's BP is usually 110/74 and his pulse is about the same as your pulse rate. The doctor told him that people would love to get those readings. A pulse rate in the 50s is enviable. Is it a cardiologist suggesting the test or an ER doctor? Your age, your BP, pulse rate, extensive blood work and all those ECGs strongly suggest there is nothing wrong with your heart. I don't understand why the doctor has suggested you get the stress test.

It's a normal Doctor at a family practice. We can't see a cardiologist here without a referral. I also tend to be waking up heart racing (like maybe 90-120 bpm) I'm not sure if it's from dreaming or not. Or anxeity.