View Full Version : Blood test results during pregnancy

04-05-07, 09:44
As everyone was so helpful in calming me down the first time I posted here, I'm hoping that someone will be able to stop me before I turn into another nervous wreck!!

For some reason I have got it into my head about having HIV. I had a blood test when I was pregnant with my daughter 2 years ago - I have no reason or symptoms to suspect I have it, I just don't remember the midwife giving me the results back then! And I have got myself into a right state about it. If it was positive it would have been flagged up wouldn't it? I've got an appointment with my doctor this afternoon to ask them about it but I do feel a bit silly because like I said I know she will ask me if I have any symptoms and I don't, it's just me! It's awful but I can really convince myself of something dramatic if I get an idea into my head. Can anyone just give me some reassurance or advice - I would have thought that something so major would have been flagged up that's all.

04-05-07, 10:35
The blood test that you had would have been discussed with you i am sure, if anything was found. But i know that this doesn't help because we all worry about everything and nothing. It is good that you are going to the docs if only to put your mind at rest. Let us know how you go on.x

04-05-07, 13:41

I am pregnant at the moment and have had two previous pregnancies. I have been tested each time and have never actually received the results.

Apparently, the results are not given unless you have the disease so I am absolutely sure that you are fine.

I completely understand how you are feeling though. I suffer from health anxiety and I know how easy it is to convince yourself of something and only speaking to your doctor will really help.

Good luck this afternoon.

05-05-07, 09:04
Thanks for your replies - because of reading them I was able to go to the doctor in a less frantic state, a bit more calm!! I wanted to reply to this post to see if my experience yesterday could help anyone else worrying about their health.

I explained to my doctor that I felt really stupid worrying about it because I had no real evidence or symptoms and she said that she sees people like me all the time because of warnings and hype in the media. She went through my blood tests taken at the beginning of my pregnancy and said they are not held on their computer as they were done at a different surgery but she did reassure me that if it had been found out that I had anything major from the tests I would have been the first to know and it would have been highlighted on my notes and passed over when I moved to this surgery. She basically told me not to worry but then said that there is no reason to sit at home fretting and if I had any concerns or niggles at all I could go and have a blood test and the results would be back in a few days - worry over. She was very nice and understanding which was great because I half expected her to give me funny looks and brush me aside.

I wanted to post this because I do feel better - I know that all of us on here have a tendency to convince ourselves we have something major out of thin air, and how useful I found this chat with the doctor. If you are fretting over something then to put your mind at rest go and see them.

Talking to her also made me realise the possible reason I thought about this: my husband's uncle has recently been diagnosed with HIV which I didn't connect the two together before - and it's being talked about in the family a lot which plants the seed into your head! That together with never having had the results of that first test makes you wonder and the more you wonder the more you get worked up convincing yourself!! The good thing was that I didn't Google it the whole time so I am pleased about that. :yesyes:

Hope my experience yesterday helps other people feeling similar.

05-05-07, 12:31
Do not worry, if you had HIV the result would of been passed onto your midwife and GP. This is for the safety of you, your baby and the medical staff taking care of you especially during labour. There is no way this would be missed.

Do not worry.