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View Full Version : Thus anxiety is unrelenting

11-05-17, 12:24
I have a colonoscopy tomorrow and the thought of what will be discovered is eating me alive. Every second that ticks by brings with it another brick of anxiety, and I feel like I'm closing myself in. I can't seem to focus on work, hobbies or even my family. This anxiety is making it impossible to eat or drink, which is good because I'm not supposed to eat today, and bad because I'm supposed to drink...alot. I'm 27 and probably way to young to even be thinking about colon cancer, but that doesn't stop me from doing so. Hopefully I'll gets some good news tomorrow so I can begin to live again :) well, that's the end of this rant. Thanks for tuning in.

11-05-17, 14:34
Sorry you are so worried, I can imagine I would be just the same. You are young & I've known plenty of people alot older have it done & there has been nothing serious found. Hope all goes well tomorrow, very best wishes:hugs:x

11-05-17, 20:41
the whole world is like on hold. I can relate with that. Best wishes for everyone who is praying for good news.

12-05-17, 01:30
Sorry you're worried, praying all goes well tomorrow. I'm sure you are fine. Keep positive, know it's hard because anxiety messes with your mind and pops in the worst scenarios, but you are going to be ok.

12-05-17, 04:06
A colonoscopy is a tool to check for any issues. It's not a death sentence. I'm sure you will do fine!