View Full Version : Want to exercise but no energy please help!!

11-05-17, 13:42
I havent slept for the past two nights and I really wanted to go to an aqua exercise class tonight but I am exhausted and still feeling anxious. I'm trying to eat little and often too but I'm finding it difficult to swallow food. Should I still go? I know it could help burn off the adrenaline.

11-05-17, 13:48
Being over tired can exacerbate anxiety a great deal.

Exercising after not sleeping for two days might not be the best idea.

Having no energy after not sleeping for two days is probably quite normal! :scared15:

11-05-17, 14:47
Thankyou ankietyjoe. I do see your point. At the same time how do I get rid of the adrenaline?

11-05-17, 18:39
I havent slept for the past two nights and I really wanted to go to an aqua exercise class tonight but I am exhausted and still feeling anxious. I'm trying to eat little and often too but I'm finding it difficult to swallow food. Should I still go? I know it could help burn off the adrenaline.

Hey friend,

I run a blog that I advertise in threads that I feel are appropriate. It deals with fitness and is geared towards people, such as myself, that have dealt with or currently deal with anxiety/depression. It's called The Anxiety Press and the website URL is www.anxietypress.com

When it comes to fatigue - and I've been there, trust me - you need to push yourself. I've been in the exact same shoes; I've been so tired, falling asleep on the couch, while I had promised myself to go in the gym. Sometimes I'll be bad and pass out, and that means I am not getting up lol. But other times I say "Screw it," get up, go to the gym and benefit myself. Once the blood starts pumping via my increased heart rate, I actually don't want to leave!

You can try a Vitamin B Complex for some energy. It's a rather safe Vitamin (or actually group of Vitamins) that many use for energy. Perhaps some Green Tea would give you a little bit a kick in the butt? You can also make your own pre-workout if you would like to, but just be careful with proper dosing. Most often people add in Caffeine, L-Citrulline, Beta-Alinine, etc to make their own.

It's funny, because often times I will get anxiety while merely sitting at my desk. My chest will tighten up in the usual spots, it'll be more difficult to breathe, and I may even feel some dizziness. What usually helps me get out of this funk is walking around and talking. I think the walking helps me expend some of the energy and the talking to someone ensures I am breathing more proper. Plus sitting down can seemingly hinder breathing at times, especially if your pants are a little snug and/or you wear a belt.

14-10-21, 15:37
I also faced a lack of energy for a long time. I thought it was because of the fatigue and work that kept me busy all day, but I was wrong.I also faced a lack of energy for a long time. I thought it was because of the fatigue and work that kept me busy all day, but I was wrong. I found that lack of energy is due to poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, and water. So I started to develop my culture by taking three main meals a day and two snacks. A main meal of mine contains protein, vegetables, and very few carbohydrates. At snacks, I eat fruits, nuts, vegetables, maybe a shake in which I add supplements from rats.army (https://rats.army/product/mk-2866-ostarine/). Never miss a meal. Otherwise, you will be tempted to eat improperly.

17-10-21, 05:32
Finding the source of why you struggle to sleep may help. For me I find life in general to be draining enough. The less I focus on what others say or think, the more I find the will to move on once again. On that note I think I will enjoy a bike ride once the sun goes down.

Good luck finding out what works for you.