View Full Version : Chest tightness and tension

11-05-17, 19:35
Been having pretty bad tension in my chest and abdomen somce Friday.. it started as a tingling in my abdomen and has moved its way up into my chest and got super tight on and off. Then recently my left side of my chest and a weird feeling in my arm ocassionally. The chest pain gets hard to handle sometimes lile someone has a grip on it. Curious as to who else gets these symptoms ? ..like how long, how tense, what area, etc?.

11-05-17, 19:36
Have you been to hospital?

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11-05-17, 19:40
Meant to post this to the symptoms thread... yes been to the doctors and cardiologist several times. Three ekgs, echocardiogram, listened to my heart, etc. They say its all anxiety.

11-05-17, 20:32
Blood tests too?

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11-05-17, 21:03
Yes. Had a blood test back in january and he said everything was fine. Along with a stress test three years ago for another reason.

11-05-17, 22:58
That's exactly what it is then, anxiety. I have weird left sided chest pressure too, like a grip on my lung almost, it's strange, I get skipped beats through anxiety. I've had blood tests, ekgs, chrst xrays, blood pressure monitoring all that, and everything come back good ok and I was allowed to come back home all 3 times. Are you any medications?

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12-05-17, 05:49
Have had similar symptoms actually dealing with tight chest right now. It is anxiety, especially if you've had so many tests done. The anxious mind does intense things to the body.

12-05-17, 13:41
Yes, I get the skipped beats ocassionally too. They come randomly but I can feel its going to happen right before...its like my heart stops and I gasp and get thrown into a mini panic. It really can, it seems like the more you get used to symptoms the worse they get. I'm on Lorazapam right now just try and break the cycle of anxiety. I think the chest tightness is the worst symptom... I've had it since Monday now. For everyone else how tight do you feel it? And how long does something like this last? At certain points I feel like I just want to crawl up into a ball it gets so bad.

13-05-17, 07:30
Been having pretty bad tension in my chest and abdomen somce Friday.. it started as a tingling in my abdomen and has moved its way up into my chest and got super tight on and off. Then recently my left side of my chest and a weird feeling in my arm ocassionally. The chest pain gets hard to handle sometimes lile someone has a grip on it. Curious as to who else gets these symptoms ? ..like how long, how tense, what area, etc?.

Im having a similar symptoms right now, i had ecg last wednesday because i felt chest heaviness also in my upper back but now i still worry bout chest symptoms even if the dr told me ecg is normal, its tight in the centre of my chest and back and i get palpitations and sweating if ever i move and do household chores, i dont know if i am of a bit help with you but you can pm me if ever you want to chat.

13-05-17, 14:24
Yes I had the tightness in mid chest for a day or two and it also went to my back a little. I too had an ecg about two weeks ago but its hard to believe you are ok when getting these symptoms...especially chest. Mine still feels tight today after 5 days. I can realate to the palpations too, although luckily I really have not had then with this tension to much. Yes its always nice to be able to talk to people who can realate!

16-05-17, 09:05
Yo dude, How are you doing now? Since its been a few days? And I noticed that you're a Landscape company owner, what does that job description entail? Any manual labor?

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17-05-17, 03:18
Thanks for checking up.. I've been better today. The tension seems to have let off for the most part...so a break from it since last Monday. Yesterday was pretty bad in the afternoon and evening but I put some vaporizing chest rup on it and that seemed to help. Going to get some lavender oil and epsom salt tomorrow. Yes a good amount of labor, I own the business along with my dad. Just today we spread over 10 yards of playground mulch in 45 mins for example and I was on my hands and knees the entire time spreading in 80° temperature in long pants and a sweat shirt. I got a little blurry vision but that may have been the sun reflecting off the mulch. So yes, a good amount of physical work...walking with the blower/trimmer, mulching, bush trimming, running snow blowers, dragging brush, etc.

17-05-17, 13:06
I, too, often have gotten or even get chest tension due to anxiety. I went through a whole battery of testing and saw a myriad of specialists, and it all boiled down to anxiety. Holter Monitor, Echocardiograms, many EKGs, Stress Test, Endoscopy, Bloodwork, etc. All came back A-OK.

Sometimes I just treat the symptoms to help minimize anxiety. I actually wrote a post about it on my blog. I can't link directly to the article from work, sadly. But the URL is www.anxietypress.com - search "chest tension" and it should come up.

02-06-17, 00:21
This is my worst symptom and has caused me to believe my heart is failing. I'm young and have no risk factors yet I believe it's my heart. I get palpitations and tightness below the sternum or on the left side. I've been to the ER twice where they did EKGs, blood worl, and a chest x-ray along with the other typical Dr tests. I had a normal echo 6 years ago too. If you can get your hands on a stronger anxiety med it may help relieve your chest symptoms. Xanax stops my chest symptoms.