View Full Version : scared i've poisoned myself with household detergent

11-05-17, 23:00
Hello, guys! I'm back on the health anxiety train again. This time I accidentaly inhaled some fumes from a toilet cleaning detergent.
Little back story: sometimes my dad pours some detergent into the toilet and leaves it in there for some time in order to clean it better. I walked into the restroom and immediately noticed the strong smell in the air. Almost chloride-like. But I needed to pee so bad that I just did my business and tried no to breathe too much in there (I still did a bit). Now I'm panicking that it was actually a horrible idea and that I have poisoned myself. I keep having this weird smell in my nose and my throat feels a bit tight. However, I do not have a headache and my vision is fine. I was there for less than a minute and then walked straight back to my room.
I can't stop thinking that I've damaged my lungs/poisoned myself.

11-05-17, 23:24
Did you drink it? No? Then you're good :)

Positive thoughts

11-05-17, 23:25
You have not poisoned yourself. You'll be fine.

11-05-17, 23:35
I accidentally drank salon strength peroxide. .. and lived to tell the tale.

You're fine.

11-05-17, 23:36
Is there a free 24 hour free telephone service dealing with poison information over in the states or in your state? There is one in my country and I have called it a few times just to have it confirmed that there was nothing to worry about.
Seriously if it was as dangerous as you think we would have really big problems with poisoning in this world. There are people in different workplaces exposed to much worse inhaling of all kinds of stuff every day.

12-05-17, 00:28
I've done that before. Think you are fine, perhaps you could call a poison hotline to assure yourself, but I think we all have done this a time or two.

14-05-17, 00:11
Thank you everyone for answering. Your responses helped me get some sleep and relax a little bit!

14-05-17, 01:52
I accidentally drank salon strength peroxide. .. and lived to tell the tale.

You're fine.

That must have been one hell of a hard day at work, Nancy! :winks:

14-05-17, 03:31
You are fine! I'm sure all of us have done this at some point! I don't recommend huffing the stuff but breathing for the few moments it takes to pee is fine

14-05-17, 11:14
They wouldn't sell a domestic toilet cleaner if it could harm someone by breathing it in a bit.