View Full Version : Still have UTI/Sepsis fear

12-05-17, 00:46
I can't even type this without crying but I feel like such a failure at life and I'm so scared I'm going to die..

I thought I had a UTI about almost 2 weeks ago now. I've had three urine tests done,all came back OK with the excetion of one that they had to send to a lab for culture,which in the end came back no infection. However,I'm addicted to checking my urine now every time I go,and its always different and sometimes things alarm me (like sometimes I see tiny specks,bubbles–not foamy but just bubbles,different colors,sometimes its cloudy?) But I never have pain with urination. Today I woke up with two purple dots on my abdomen (one under my breast) and my left upper quadrent is pinching I'm freaking out because of Sepsis now! I don't want it! I'm so very scared.. please help me

ALSO, I've had a CT scan on my abdomen and pelvis without contrast...does that show Kidney/Bladder infections?

12-05-17, 01:57
You do NOT have a UTI so how could you get sepsis without an infection present? When did you have the CT? The ones with contrast would show an infection but not sure about the ones without. That doesn't really matter because three urine tests and a culture showed NO infection! Stop looking at your pee and move on. Women have discharge come out which can make it look cloudy. I used to look at mine all the time and had countless urinalysis'/cultures done and nothing ever showed up. My doctor finally told me that discharge, protein, etc that show up in our urine are harmless. I stopped looking at it and moved on. Time for you to do the same. You're worrying over nothing! Relax!!

12-05-17, 02:49
You do NOT have a UTI so how could you get sepsis without an infection present? When did you have the CT? The ones with contrast would show an infection but not sure about the ones without. That doesn't really matter because three urine tests and a culture showed NO infection! Stop looking at your pee and move on. Women have discharge come out which can make it look cloudy. I used to look at mine all the time and had countless urinalysis'/cultures done and nothing ever showed up. My doctor finally told me that discharge, protein, etc that show up in our urine are harmless. I stopped looking at it and moved on. Time for you to do the same. You're worrying over nothing! Relax!!

Had the CT scan about a week ago now

12-05-17, 03:08
Did they do the CT because you thought you had a UTI? Again that doesn't really matter. Urine culture is the gold standard to diagnose a UTI, which it did not. Keep that in mind.

12-05-17, 03:45
Did they do the CT because you thought you had a UTI? Again that doesn't really matter. Urine culture is the gold standard to diagnose a UTI, which it did not. Keep that in mind.

No I had a CT because I went to the ER for abdominal and flank pain,thinking it was kidney stones. Never found anything

Right now as I type this I have a headache in the back of my eye and I'm still freaking out...I just want it to go away... I'm very scared

12-05-17, 06:52
You do not have a UTI and you are not septic. You have anxiety and your stomach pain is probably from anxiety and your flank pain is probably muscular from anxiety.