View Full Version : Anyone else relate?

12-05-17, 03:53
Headache= brain tumor/aneurysm
Stomach ache= abdominal aneurysm
Knee/calf pain= DVT
Chest pain= PE or heart attack
Dizziness= high blood pressure or high cholesterol

Ugh why can't I just think logically and not think the worst every time I feel the slightest sensation anywhere!! Right now my stomach hurts and it feels sooo tense I keep thinking abdominal aneurysm!!!:weep:

12-05-17, 05:16
Headache= brain tumor/aneurysm
Stomach ache= abdominal aneurysm
Knee/calf pain= DVT
Chest pain= PE or heart attack
Dizziness= high blood pressure or high cholesterol

Ugh why can't I just think logically and not think the worst every time I feel the slightest sensation anywhere!! Right now my stomach hurts and it feels sooo tense I keep thinking abdominal aneurysm!!!:weep:

Yes I relate to 4 of the 5. I have done had a abominal ultrasound 2 months ago. My stomach moves a lot to my heart beat even my neck now when I get pulpitations.

12-05-17, 05:18
Oh yes! The things we diagnose ourselves with from the simplest of things.

12-05-17, 09:04
I have lost weight over the last 12 months, largely down to me not eating well for about the same amount of time. Last Friday night I found a lump of bone on my pubic bone. It doesn't hurt, there is no swelling, hell it was probably always there under the extra chub but I dropped to the bathroom floor in full panic mode because of my cancer. (After a quick Google of course). Pain in hips (since child 2 so 5 years) more cancer. Period pains every month...you guessed it womb cancer. Mine are pretty geared towards the big c, but any unrelated sensation becomes a new symptom.
I completely know where you are at the moment and it is horrible. So hard to escape your own head, we will get there though. Just keep breathing, and try to counter every negative thought with a positive. If nothing else it is a distraction, but it can help sometimes I find. :flowers: