View Full Version : Neck lump

12-05-17, 07:49
Hello all
I noticed a month ago that I had a lump in the back of my right neck, just below my hair line and right next to top of my spine.c When I bend my neck forward it is quite noticeable and the muscle areas around it very swollen and when I turn my head back, if I push in I can feel it (its quite deep seated), it feels about 2cmx2cm. Pressing in to it i can feel like a clicky feeling. When I really tilt my head back I can't feel it.

There is no pain when I press on the actual lump but the area around is quite tender. I occasionally get shooting pains up the side of my right head

I am doing quite well at keeping calm about it and reminding myself it could be anything (I spend 3 hours a day on my commute to and from work where I am bent over looking at my phone or reading a book and have awful posture/a stressful job) . I occasionally pull muscles in my neck when I sleep too. I just can't believe that these could be able to produce such a big, hard lump. Could it be an enlarged lymph node? I used a lacrosse ball on it last night so area is super sore today.
Has anyone else experienced this?

12-05-17, 08:48
I had a lump three weeks back I played with until it was swollen and sore (the actual lump wasn't but the area around it was). Similarly I had a lump on the back of my head a few months ago, touched it so much it was infected. Went to the doctor, turned into a bacterial infection.

I couldn't feel the one on the back of my neck when I lent backwards too. Mine got pretty big, though I can't actually estimate. Is it red?, if so it probably is what I had.

12-05-17, 12:59
I spend 3 hours a day on my commute to and from work where I am bent over looking at my phone or reading a book and have awful posture/a stressful job) . I occasionally pull muscles in my neck when I sleep too. I just can't believe that these could be able to produce such a big, hard lump.

Sounds like "Text Neck" Comes from looking down at your phone or other devices for long periods of time. Along with your poor posture and stress it's no wonder you're uncomfortable.

Positive thoughts

14-05-17, 11:30
Thank you for your replies!
It's not red at all, it's definitely under the skin and deep seated.
I Googled text neck but it mentions quite a lot of pain, I only really feel pain on the days I'm fiddling with it!
Doctors on Tuesday so hopefully he can give an answer