View Full Version : So angry at myself

12-05-17, 08:51
I've been really good with my health anxiety for about a year now (I had a major health anxiety flare post natally 2016, which I treated with talking therapy and Sertraline. I've been off Sertraline since September.

The last few weeks I've been dosing down my esomeprazole (Nexium) for acid reflux I've been taking for a small hiatus hernia. I had it diagnosed in September by endoscopy and there was no inflammation, no nasties, no Barrett's Oesophagus or no irritation seen, only a small hiatus hernia which was probably contributing to my acid reflux. I was on 40mg of Nexium a day but managed to reduce to 20mg in February this year. I recently tried to reduce to 10mg (by halfing the tablet) and this seems to have brought back certain issues like throat dryness, acidic (salty tasting) saliva and occasional nausea. This has set my health anxiety off again. I went up to 20mg of Nexium last week again but am still getting the throat dryness and acidic saliva.

I stupidly Googled, after swearing to my family and doctors (and myself) that I wouldn't do again and, as usual, frightened myself with the array of conditions. In particular; Sjorgens syndrome, which scared the crap out of me. I then started thinking about other symptoms which I'd never even thought about, like, 'do I have dry eyes? Maybe I've dry eyes...' To the usual checking in the mirror, making myself cry to check tear ducts, constantly checking mou8dryness (my mouth doesn't seem to be particularly dry, only my throat). The usual with health anxiety, logic goes out the window - the 'falling down the rabbit hole' as I call it.

I'm so angry I Googled. I was so anxious last night I could barely sleep. I'm going to the doctors today to see if I can get referred for talking therapy again(oh and let's be honest, to probably talk about symptoms). However, I do realise that my health anxiety is the thing I really need to sort out. I don't want to end up where I was in January/February 2016 and put my family through it again. I really need to get this under control again.

12-05-17, 09:14
Don't be angry at yourself, that won't help. Sometimes we relapse, sometimes. But that doesn't mean it is forever, relax. If I am honest with myself I have had health anxiety since I was a child, it comes in huge waves at times of stress, but I go long periods of time where it doesn't bother me as such. However, currently between jobs, dad died last year, too much time to think and brains go into overdrive. Night is always the worst, and you are doing all the right things. Go to the doctor about the anxiety have you had CBT? It is the only reason I wasn't at the hospital committing myself last weekend.
Good luck, just breathe and try to think about things that don't involve health. It is soooo hard though! Maybe I should take my own advice?!? :doh:

12-05-17, 13:03
Are you reducing/weaning off the PPI under your doctor's direction?

Positive thoughts

12-05-17, 16:32
Hi Fishmanpa!

I've been told in January that I could try weaning down. That my hernia is small and that a lot of people with hernias this size have no reflux (also some people with reflux have no hernias). I had been reading that ppis are not good for you long term and, as I'm only 39, I am keen to try and get off them (although I might be unable to). I managed to successfully wean to 20mg a day. I then cut to 10mg (fairly quickly afterwards) and ended up with the throat clearing, dryness and acidic saliva again. This triggered off anxiety, which undoubtedly made things worse. Throw in Googling and you know what happens!