View Full Version : Newb with issues

12-05-17, 14:44
Hi All,

Over the past few months have been suffering immensely with health anxiety, constantly thinking that all of this is my heart and any time now it's going to give up.... silly isn't it but that's my thing and that's why I'm here.

I had my first attack at work in the middle of a meeting and I simply didn't know what had hit me, nothing prepares you for that adrenaline, my heart was racing like nothing I'd felt before, I was dizzy, short of breath, tight chest and from that point on I've been convinced that I have a heart problem. My second panic attack got me to A&E where they promptly dismissed a heart problem with an ECG but nevertheless the worry continued, it wasn't enough. It's simply amazing how much the negative thoughts can make you think you have the symptoms but when you simply relax and take control of your body it goes away in a heartbeat (no joke intended).

My GP has been very understanding, I'm booked for a 24HR ECG and deep down I know I don't have a problem but it's hard convincing myself and my negative thoughts that that's the case. This should hopefully alleviate some of the anxiety I'm feeling.

I feel much better than when this first started a few months ago as I didn't know what it was but I suspect this is just me learning to cope with the symptoms better rather than dealing with the issue.

I've already read a few good books and they have really helped and now I look forward to reading through the forum and seeing how others have dealt with this. But I know it all starts we me and making changes for the better.


12-05-17, 14:55
Hiya xanda_man and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-05-17, 13:59
Good morning xanda_man. Not to make light of your situation, but we have an old saying here, "your preaching to the choir". Which means, I totally get where you're coming from. My attacks started in 1999 and since that time I've waged war against it. I'm not telling you this to discourage you, instead I say it to encourage you.

I agree wearing the 24-hour monitor can rule out any hidden problems. Also if you notice certain situations seem to trigger the symptoms make a mental note. It can help you in treatment. I still don't really know what triggered my first attack. But I do know it caused me to avoid a whole lot of life. So be proactive and don't let this thing win.

Currently cognitive therapy and mild medication help me. I only feel attacks coming on when life's pressures get to me. The thing is this does not have to be a life sentence. Have faith in yourself that you can bet this. Take care xanda_man and keep logging in to NMP when you need some help and understanding.

18-05-17, 15:53
Hi xanda man and welcome to NMP. Seeing as it's not been a life time of anxiety perhaps after your 24 ecg monitoring and as you have a understanding dr make a appointment for some therapy and meds (hopefully short term for the meds) as the quicker you deal with the problem the easier it will be come :) Cheers