View Full Version : Depersonalisation derealisation obsessed im going mad

12-05-17, 16:09
Hi everyone, I really dont know where to start...ive always had anxiety and depression off amd on throughout my life but after the birth of my second child in january I feel like its got out of control.
Im crying as im writing this as I really dont know what to do anymore I feel so unreal and completely detached and disconnected from my surroundings and people. Ive read that this can be dp/dr but ive honestly convinced myself that its something much worse like schizophrenia or im going mad. Im so scared right now I just want to be well for my children but cant seem to stop obsessing about losing the plot im so scared right now can someone please help me. My memory is all over the place too and cant concentrate on nothing.

12-05-17, 17:11
For one thing stop looking up symptoms on the internet. You state you had a child in January, you probably have post postpartum depression. I would talk to your doctor about your feelings and do not google it. Don't panic, breathe and concentrate on each breath. Calm yourself down, you are not losing your mind. You will be able to take care of your children. Are you at home alone with them right now? The first thing is to stop crying, it will only make your eyes red and puffy. Clean yourself up, splash some water on your face. You will be o.k!

12-05-17, 18:32
I want through the same thing. Pm if you like.

Tom hendry
26-06-17, 19:13
Hi Lucia, yes I'm a fellow sufferer. On and off for 10 years. When severe anxiety strikes I.e. Lots of stressors it gets worse. I'm short sighted but the only relief I get is to spend my time now mainly in doors and without my glasses. That way I dont have to try 'LOOK at something ' to 'SEE' if it's real. I'm sure you and everyone else here knows what I mean but doctors, family don't. The hardest thing is the frustration.

It's not psychotic or schizophrenia. Why do I know that, because you KNOW something is wrong! It's anxiety. Extremely important to do 30 mins highly focused relaxation therapy and body scanning everyday.

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

But I'm still searching for answers ....I can't work at the moment and the dizziness and headaches is bad. It's my first day on this site and anyone please chat with me, I'm sure we can help each other

27-06-17, 00:30
Yeap, I get them bad

27-06-17, 00:35
I am having the same problem thinking that I am going schizophrenic but my therapist says if you are able to say I think I am going mad or psychotic then you are not. Its a struggle every day but you will be ok...this message board is very helpful

10-07-17, 11:40
Thank you all for the replies. I have always suffered anxiety/depression off and on. I was doing ok while I was pregnant but since giving birth to my second child in january I feel I have hit rock bottom again. I had to have a emergency c section and think it sent me into shock or something as felt completely disconnected from the whole experience like I wasnt even present and I have felt like that since and my daughter is now 6 months I feel so guilty for feeling like this. Feel like the past 6 months havnt really happened like im walking around in some sort of dreamworld while lifes just passing me by. Doc says its postpartum depression but I honestly cant shake the fear its something more than that my memories are all going round and round in my head and nothing makes sense. As far as I know I havnt experienced any delusions or hallucinations but I read up on postpartum phycosis and schizophrenia and convinced mmyself that I have it. Its such a awful feeling I feel so empty like my life feels meaningless. Getting thoughs like am I real? Is this really happening or is it all just in my head its really dragging me down