View Full Version : High cholesterol and freaking out

12-05-17, 19:55
So I'm a 28 year old female and just got told my cholesterol is 230. I'm freaking out so bad thinking I'm about to fall over from having a heart attack! What diets, or what other things can I do to lower it? Please tell me your success stories as I'm in a panic over having a heart attack

12-05-17, 20:08
I've had hyper cholesterol and triglycerides most of my life. They definitely contributed to my heart issues. That being said, you're only 28 and you're not going to drop over with a heart attack. You're also young enough to reverse and fix any potential future (like 20-30 years future) issues

It's relatively simple. Diet and exercise. Low fat meats like chicken and fish, good fats like olive oil, fish oil, avocados etc. There are plenty of cholesterol reducing diets on line. And then exercise. Being at a healthy weight and doing some cardio work 3-4 times a week will fix you right up!

Positive thoughts

12-05-17, 20:13
I've had hyper cholesterol and triglycerides most of my life. They definitely contributed to my heart issues. That being said, you're only 28 and you're not going to drop over with a heart attack. You're also young enough to reverse and fix any potential future (like 20-30 years future) issues

It's relatively simple. Diet and exercise. Low fat meats like chicken and fish, good fats like olive oil, fish oil, avocados etc. There are plenty of cholesterol reducing diets on line. And then exercise. Being at a healthy weight and doing some cardio work 3-4 times a week will fix you right up!

Positive thoughts

yep, proper diet and excercise..better than any weight-loss diet pills in the commercials

Catherine S
12-05-17, 20:30
Those numbers don't mean anything to us Europeans...what is your base number to measure it by? Our base line numbers vary between each European country. I'm British and in GB the base number is 5, but in Germany where I'm living at the moment it's 3 :ohmy: My numbers a couple of weeks ago were 4.6, which would be great in the UK, but my doctor here wanted me to take meds. I declined.

Unless you're stuffing yourself with rubbish every day I wouldn't worry too much. I've even read articles recently written by doctors who say cholesterol isn't the baddie everyone thought it was....that it's effects on our body is much more complex and not so black & white. There's so much conflicting advice these days though that it's hard to know what's right for us :shrug:


12-05-17, 20:51
There's so much conflicting advice these days though that it's hard to know what's right for us :shrug:

To a degree that's true but I'm living the issue with my heart problems. My cholesterol and triglycerides are high BUT... my HDL (good) vs LDL (bad) are really good (due to my diet) so they're not that concerned as my levels have been consistently high since my 30's. I take a statin, BP meds, beta blockers and blood thinners for my heart issues and my cardiologist just upped the dosage on the BP and beta blocker. She wanted to up the statin too but I get side effects from that so I added a 500mg dose of niacin that supposed to help reduce cholesterol levels.

That being said, it's common sense to eat healthy anyway. Eating fatty foods and processed high sodium garbage is bad for you. Smoking and too much alcohol etc. all can have detrimental effects.

What I'm suggesting in proper diet and exercise is just common sense and will help reduce high cholesterol levels.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
12-05-17, 21:16
I agree fish, if you eat as healthily as you can afford to, having no-go treats only sometimes, then you can't go far wrong.


13-05-17, 00:35
I actually know someone a year younger than you and her cholesterol level is the same as mine. Mine is high. Her doctor wanted her to go on statins immediately. My doctor suggested I change my eating habits. She said if I was diabetic she would have suggested statins. So you can see the differences in opinions about cholesterol in the medical world. As ISB said. Last year I went on the Atkins diet. It is a low carb high protein diet. The research I did suggested that it was great for lowering cholesterol. In 6 months I will get my cholesterol measured again to see what the impact has been.

bin tenn
13-05-17, 18:12
Here is a good site about weight loss

PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THE LINK. I reported it, and it appears to be a malicious link. Tried to get me to download an APK. LoL.

---------- Post added at 12:12 ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 ----------

I'm 30. My total cholesterol is not quite 230 - it was 205 in Feb. However, total cholesterol alone is not the only factor. They look at all the numbers, ratio, total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, etc. You won't "drop dead" from a heart attack. As others have suggested, and some with first hand experience, take the steps through diet and exercise to correct it. You'll be fine. My doc is not immediately concerned either, she just wants me to try things to lower it, and we'll monitor in the meantime. I have immediate family history of poor cholesterol and heart disease, but she still isn't immediately concerned. If that helps any.

13-05-17, 19:04
Reported post deleted. Can those who quoted it please edit it out of their posts

13-05-17, 20:36
I have done that now Elen

bin tenn
13-05-17, 22:32
Thank you both! I guess I should've known better than to include it in the quote. :P

14-05-17, 12:44
Thanks for the replies everyone! It's my HDL that's 230. I guess I'm freaking out since my dad had a heart attack on his 60th birthday this year. Two arteries were 100% blocked but they were able to get in and out a stint in. My doctor wants me to have a stress test done considering my dads heart attack. I'm terrified that I hve blockages or something. I know I'm only 28 and the chance of anything happening is pretty slim, but I'm terrified!:unsure:

14-05-17, 13:52
It's my HDL that's 230.

It can't be. That's your total cholesterol and you want it to be under 200 (US numbers). You want your HDL (good) cholesterol to be above 60 and triglycerides under 150. It also depends on age and some other factors.

Sounds like you have an attentive doctor that's making sure all is well.

Positive thoughts

14-05-17, 15:58
My total cholesterol is 277. Cholesterol in HDL is 47 and cholesterol non hdl is 230. My total trig is 164. So idk

bin tenn
14-05-17, 16:14
I had a stress test and echo done last year due to an issue (arrhythmia). I just knew it would find blockages and/or otherwise defective heart function. It didn't. I was I'm the treadmill for 10-12 minutes - far longer than I thought I could do it. I know how it is to worry, but no matter how convinced you may be, it won't change the fact that it could very well be no problem at all.

Good luck, and I hope you're able to find a good routine to improve your numbers and reduce your future risk for complications.

14-05-17, 16:39
Hey guys, I did some research and I might ask to have my blood redrawn. My anxiety has been through the roof lately, and I've been "managing" it by drinking every night. Turns out you should avoid alcohol at all costs for 24 hrs before blood draw, it could put a dramatic climb in cholesterol numbers! Still panicking though

bin tenn
14-05-17, 21:41
I still think there's nothing to panic about, even if avoiding alcohol does not improve the numbers. Bad cholesterol management is not an immediate cause for concern, even with family history, unless it's been unmanaged or poorly managed for many years - decades, even.

16-05-17, 15:54
Here is a good site about weight loss.
