View Full Version : Throat neck voice problems

12-05-17, 20:55
Hi all, haven't posted in a long long long time. Pretty sad to have to again tbh I've been so good for so long but now I have a new thing. It's basically my voice has changed over the last year. It was last June when I first noticed this. I was singing and when I tried to sing a certain note my voice went all high pitched randomly as if I was a boy starting puberty. (I'm a 29 year old female) from then on I noticed it happening more and more often but was normal in between. I would feel a slight pain in the front of my neck to the left of where Adams apple would be every now and again too which I'm still getting now. My voice has progressively got worse now to the point where it's doing dogdy notes all over the place when I talk. Especially when I try to say something where I would change note from low to high fastly if you understand. It kind of squeaks and sometimes nothing comes out. I am very concerned. I have that pain to the left of Adams apple too quite a lot. It's litrally a fingertip sized area. I've also had flutters feelings in between my two collarbone s from time to time. And a tickle feeling in my throat making me want to cough. Also have to clear my throat ALOT. pretty much constantly to be able to talk properly. I have not seen a doctor yet. I'm too scared to. I know I should but I'm scared of them putting cameras down. I'm scared of beong told I have cancer and am going to die. I'm scared of all medical procedures. I'm also scared of starting up the old cycle of going to my doctors slot for reassurance as I don't believe it's healthy for me. Does anybody have any experience with these symptoms. I'm 99.9%sure that this isn't just in my mind. My voice really does sound so weird to me. It's the tonal changes. Of course I have googled and it's not looking good for me. Also sometimes when I swallow it's almost like some things moving and clicks in the front of my neck area. I have been super aware of my voice these last few weeks which I know can make things worse but I can't shake it of forget about it. Everytime I speak I feel the dread return. I've recently had my fourth baby and I don't want to be plagued with this again I want to enjoy my baby :( any advice is appreciated sorry for the long post x

12-05-17, 22:35
It could be GERD, and you wouldn't have to have heartburn necessary, maybe it's spelt to check with a doctor? ;)

13-05-17, 00:37
Thank you for replying. I think I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and go. It's taking over my life

15-05-17, 06:57
Togepi, I have had all these symptoms in the past and have them at the moment. My theory is that my neck and throat muscles are tense due to anxiety and poor posture (text neck) and this causes problems with throat clearing, voice changes, swallowing issues and so on.

I visited an osteopath once and he confirmed this is possible. Mine disappears eventually when I stop thinking about it and relax. I hope that after reassurance from your GP, you manage to do the same.

Take care x

16-05-17, 00:32
Thank you pigeon. Can i ask are you female or male? I have not yet seen s doctor. It's still very much bad. I feel ok at night because I go to bed and don't have to speak again till the following day. My voice really isn't right atall. I'm convinced of laryngeal cancer or thyroid cancer. Surely it should have gone after a year if it was nothing. It's all I think about lately. I know health anxiety could do all this but I'm totally convinced. I should know the difference by now tbh I've had every illness going over the years but because I've had such a good deal this has really hit me hard all over again I guess I forgot how bad things could get. I'm constantly looking for reassurance online but there doesn't seem to be much. Do you feel like you have slot of phlegm in your vocal chords? Xx