View Full Version : Warm feeling in foot/leg

12-05-17, 23:18
I've had this weird feeling of warmth in my leg going down to my foot for a couple of weeks now. Not sure when I noticed this, but it seems to be on and off. It's not really a burning so much as just a warm feeling, like flowing water or something. It's really bizarre, and it comes at a time where my back has been burning for a couple of months, so naturally I'm a bit worried they're both related to MS or something else neurological.

I'm scheduled for an MRI of my head, neck, and mid back next Saturday for slight chiari that I've had since I was a child (not sure if anyone is familiar with this). My last scan was a CT of my head and neck last year, but before that I also had MRIs every 6 months. I don't think anything sinister could've happened during that time, but if anyone has any experience with stuff like this and could reply, I'd greatly appreciate it :)

14-05-17, 22:22
I have been experiencing this for a couple of weeks now, keep getting a warm leg and foot like there is hot water going down my leg. I thought it could be because I don't walk a lot because I can't leave the house but my anxiety goes in to overdrive as a family member has MS so I keep thinking its that. Really don't want to go to the doctor because they put every thing down to my anxiety which really annoys me.

16-05-17, 03:00
I have been experiencing this for a couple of weeks now, keep getting a warm leg and foot like there is hot water going down my leg. I thought it could be because I don't walk a lot because I can't leave the house but my anxiety goes in to overdrive as a family member has MS so I keep thinking its that. Really don't want to go to the doctor because they put every thing down to my anxiety which really annoys me.

Actually, if it makes you feel a bit better, these past few weeks I haven't been moving around a lot either. I stopped (for no particular reason) doing any daily/weekly exercises I was doing and have been lying down way too much :wacko:

16-05-17, 03:47
I get this symptom when my anxiety is very high. I also convince myself I have MS or a blood clot. It feels like blood is rushing down inside my leg or something.

I'm thinking it's just anxiety. I used to have it all the time but, once I attributed it to anxiety, it seemed to cease pretty quickly.

Maybe you could try to tell yourself that it is just anxiety and try to forgot about it. If it doesn't stop, get checked.

17-05-17, 14:42
I had this early this year. Sometimes it felt like my foot was on fire. But then I became fixated on it so I couldn't differentiate normal or not. Anyway, it kind of tapered offband never came back.

17-05-17, 14:59
I've had this in various different parts of my legs, but especially my right foot. I still get it from time to time even though I've overcome my anxiety. I did ask a doctor about it and there was no concern. It doesn't worry me anymore. It seems to just be a bit of residual nervous sensation left over from my breakdown in my case.