View Full Version : Anxiety Rising

04-05-07, 12:33
Hi everyone,

I think I just need a bit of reassurance really.

Recently i've been doing more, and new things and so i'm pushing myself more. And as to be expected my anxiety is getting higher.

At home i've been getting the starting symptoms of a panic attack more, I have managed to calm it down.

Today I went for my daily walk which I don't do alone. I was more anxious to start with and then I saw more people than usual at the bus stop and someone was stood outside the shop we pass too, and I felt I couldn't just turn back and go home as they'd wonder what i'm doing. So I went into the shop with mum and looked at magazines for a bit. All the time I was feeling anxious.

And when we got out of the shop, I started the symptoms of a panic attack, my vision was going and I thought i'd faint, I was very shaky and heart beating faster. I kept trying to do my breathing and now I'm home feeling weak and shaky still.

I don't want this to affect me in the way that i'm scared to do things again. All this higher anxiety is making things harder again.


04-05-07, 13:04
First of all Heather....WELL DONE GAL!!....you still did it even though you felt bad, it's only natural that your anxiety levels will go up, but the more you do it, the easier it should become. I should take a leaf out of your book and start pushing myself again too, ive just sat back this time and let it get the better of me! worst thing i could have done!!

keep up the good work, you should be so proud of yourself!

04-05-07, 13:16
Hello Heths

I think you should give yourself a pat on the back too - or even three!:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

That took some doing you know, to carry on into the shop when you felt like turning back. That was the point at which you made the decision to OVERCOME it and you did!!!



04-05-07, 14:09
well done Heather,
you made it through a very bad experience and you are still here. It's easy to look at it as a bad experience but you have to look at the positives,you stuck it out and you can take the fact you beat it this time means you can do it again.:)
I know you will feel tired now but that is normal.The next time panic comes remember you will get through it and don't try and focus on the attack but the fact you will overcome it.
well done:yesyes:

04-05-07, 15:18
Hello Heather !
When we have periods of respite from panic it seems all the more frightening when it rears its ugly head again. The fact that you saw this blaster through means that you've "programmed" yourself to deal with panic every time !! Once learned it will never be forgotten- no matter how much the panic blasts. You never need fear panic again - its done its worst and you faced it head-on. Yippeee - you know you can do it again and again and again..... until panic no longer matters.
Be kind to yourself - you've earned it !!

06-05-07, 11:15
Thanks for the replies everyone