View Full Version : Go Away Anxiety!!!!!

04-05-07, 13:34
Hi Guys. I know I am probably freaking out over nothing again, but im so tired of everthing, I miss me!!!! Im not even a shadow of who I used to be and Im beginning to think I never will be again.

My anxiety seems to just appear from nowhere. Always pattern of symptoms first then thoughts etc. I try so hard to break the cycle but symptoms just get scarier. Im so fraustrated by it all. It seems as if I just start to accept one symptom and then another one comes along and im back to where I started. Ive woken every night this week at 3:30 am with pins and needles numbness and really tight chest. I lie their still, convinced the Heart Attack is coming this time. The damn thing wont even let me sleep now.

Im at a loss of what to do next. Had an ultra sound monday to check for polycystic ovaries simple enough right?! No, spent 30 mins looking for my left ovary, and then got told "Better call it a day". Waiting for results as the witch of a nurse didnt tell me anything as all has to be given to GP, and sure this has made me worse.

I dont want to feel like everyday I am dying going to collapse have a fit whatever. Im bored of it now I want it to go away and it wont leave. Could cry my eyes but it has no pity!!!!

Sorry for my rant I just needed somewhere to release my anger and hate for this nasty thing.

Unhappy and Very Pigged off

P.s sorry the nurse was only doing her job, I didnt mean that just very uptight sorry folks.

04-05-07, 13:43
Hi there,

I could have sworn for a minute that, that was my life you were describing.
Yesterday i had quite a good day, then got up this morning and i feel like absolute hell! i'm convinced i'm going to have a panic attack any minute, my head is spinning, i feel a bit sick and i'm just a wreck.

I know it's not nice but i suppose the only thing we can do is plod along and hope to god it just decides to leave us alone for a while.

take care toots

04-05-07, 13:46
I totally understand what you mean and I'm sure most of us are in the same position. All I can say is hang in there!!! I'm sure waiting for the results to come through hasn't helped as the anxiety levels get in even higher. When do you get your results?

04-05-07, 14:15
Thanx for the replies girlies. They said a week so hopefully tuesaday next week. Its just my thoughts are in overdrive you know what its like keep thinking they have picked up some cancer or other life treatening disease. I never used to be like this and I just wish I knew the reason why.

I have not been able to have children and made the choice at 23 to not have any investigations as to why.This is pre anxiety, it just didnt bother me. My husband and I adopted the most wonderful children in 2004 and I couldnt ask for more, I wanted to be young enough to enjoy my children to the full,but then anxiety struck in 2005 and I just feel like my world is falling apart. Im only 27 and feel like Im on my last legs. Now Im worried as to why im infertile, and worried if there is something really wrong.

I just wish I could let go and be who I want to be. My children have had enough in their little lives and I need to be strong for them and make everyday wonderful and at the moment I feel I am not doing that. We had to go through a lot of home visits etc to be approved to adopt and I look at myself now and question if I am worthy to be their mum.


04-05-07, 14:30
HI - Im a bit like that - some days, like today, I feel fine - very relaxed but anticipating a PA every time I go into a shop or hot office etc - its as if I am looking for it to happen. Everyone says Ive lost my "shine" and that I was always smiling and now I always look troubled. When people say that to me, including my husband, I go away and cry and feel so empty and worthless inside. I am l4 stone now - overweight - size 18 and feeling very negative about myself - its horrible how our minds dwell over and over on things and make us appear miserable to others around. I just want my sparkle back again.Wenjoy x

08-05-07, 03:42
Im sorry you are feeling so bad..I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away..I too find that I miss me.. I know that feeling well.. Somedays im almost back to who I was and then anxiety slips in and says to me.. hey remember I have control over you and you arent getting away that easy .. then the depression hits to think that ill never be me again ,but the following day I find bits and pieces of me overwhelming the anxiety but anxiety trys to sneek in and ruin the whole feeling and does a heck of a job.

You will become you again ..I believe that with all my heart.We have to be strong and say to ourselves no one can predict the future or nor the next minute nor the next hour nor the next day .. So live whether you feel good or you fall dead the next ..at least you lived.. and kept on going..I do this everyday..At night sometimes I pray lord I dont need this..I dont want to go through this tomorrow again Im not sure I have the strength yet the next day im here..

There must be a reason im here and still am here and I have to jump up and make up my mind everyday well if i die then at least i died trying to do something i wanted to do and didnt sit and wait to die.. SO well don't worry you will be better and be back to yourself it just takes work everyday on your part..

No one else can do it for us we have to convince ourselves that we are the only ones that can convince ourselves that we would rather go down with a fight than just sit and be afraid.. and one day you will wake up and think "IM BACK"

08-05-07, 09:18
Hi Guys. I know I am probably freaking out over nothing again, but im so tired of everthing, I miss me!!!! Im not even a shadow of who I used to be and Im beginning to think I never will be again.

My anxiety seems to just appear from nowhere. Always pattern of symptoms first then thoughts etc. I try so hard to break the cycle but symptoms just get scarier. Im so fraustrated by it all. It seems as if I just start to accept one symptom and then another one comes along and im back to where I started. Ive woken every night this week at 3:30 am with pins and needles numbness and really tight chest. I lie their still, convinced the Heart Attack is coming this time. The damn thing wont even let me sleep now.

Im at a loss of what to do next. Had an ultra sound monday to check for polycystic ovaries simple enough right?! No, spent 30 mins looking for my left ovary, and then got told "Better call it a day". Waiting for results as the witch of a nurse didnt tell me anything as all has to be given to GP, and sure this has made me worse.

I dont want to feel like everyday I am dying going to collapse have a fit whatever. Im bored of it now I want it to go away and it wont leave. Could cry my eyes but it has no pity!!!!

Sorry for my rant I just needed somewhere to release my anger and hate for this nasty thing.

Unhappy and Very Pigged off

P.s sorry the nurse was only doing her job, I didnt mean that just very uptight sorry folks.
i to am like that some have bad days i dont seem to have any other kinda day i seem to have it every day trish

08-05-07, 20:49
Everyday I wake up and wonder what's gonna happen anxiety wise!

Some days I think wow its gone and others I think oh look a new symptom and it really gets me down :(

We're all here struggling along x

08-05-07, 20:54
i know how you feel as i feel like that every day it gets me down so much .

love sandy xx