View Full Version : Unbalanced and dizziness sensations for 7 years

13-05-17, 17:03
Thanks for reading this.

For 7 years I've been experiencing strange dizzy sensations when I move, I feel unbalanced (never actually fallen), I feel as if the ground is a trampoline, I feel a jerky sensation... as if I'm being pulled from left to right... All of these symptoms are exacerbated by complex visual environments (kitchens, stores, enclosed areas with heavy detail in the environment).

I've had my inner ear tested by specialists to see if there was damage; all testing was normal. I've had multiple imaging tests of my brain and neck; also normal. Doctors were perplexed and never gave me an 'official' diagnosis. It was implied by one specialist that anxiety could be the culprit, something called psychogenic dizziness, but even that doctor was unsure as to what was wrong. And I don't have Lyme disease.

I do have a history of anxiety.

My question... Who here has experienced the sensations I experience? Has anyone experienced these symptoms and been cured?

Again, thank you so much for reading this.

14-06-17, 14:48
I am experiencing these symptoms, I've had them on and off for close to a year now, and I'm starting to convince myself I'm causing this with my anxiety. The fact that it comes and goes shows it could be related to particular situations in my life where stress levels and anxiety levels sky rocket. I think we all need to take a breather and relax for a bit to notice some changes.

Best wishes to you!


14-06-17, 17:40
I am experiencing these symptoms, I've had them on and off for close to a year now, and I'm starting to convince myself I'm causing this with my anxiety. The fact that it comes and goes shows it could be related to particular situations in my life where stress levels and anxiety levels sky rocket. I think we all need to take a breather and relax for a bit to notice some changes.

Best wishes to you!


Thank you, Rey. In my case it doesn't really come and go, it's always kinda 'there'... sure, it changes in intensity from day to day, moment to moment... but in my case it's kinda chronic. I don't notice it when I'm lying down or even sitting for the most part.

If this is anxiety, then f*** me! Anxiety is BRUTAL if it can cause this. The only reason I think it might be anxiety is that I've talked to quite a few anxiety sufferers that experience this.

14-06-17, 23:18

Reading your post was interesting for me as I am experiencing a lot of similar symptoms as yourself and was wondering it was me losing the plot :ohmy: ! if you try to explain this to most people they just cannot seem to understand which makes it even worse and you feel alone with this problem.

During the day I feel what I can describe as being light-headed, dizzy (never fallen over but feel like it) head pressure, have problems with my balance and vertigo. I have been recently seen my GP who has prescribed me with Stemetil which I have to say certainly seems to help with the head pressure and feeling of being sick and gets me through my working day however I don't really want to be stuck with this for my life ? :shrug:

I don't know if you are like me personality wise, however anxiety does seem to run in my family. I am very sensitive to other people and the environment - I resulted with an INTJ personality type which perfectly describes me.

This may / may not have helped but you are certainly not alone.

14-06-17, 23:34

Reading your post was interesting for me as I am experiencing a lot of similar symptoms as yourself and was wondering it was me losing the plot :ohmy: ! if you try to explain this to most people they just cannot seem to understand which makes it even worse and you feel alone with this problem.

During the day I feel what I can describe as being light-headed, dizzy (never fallen over but feel like it) head pressure, have problems with my balance and vertigo. I have been recently seen my GP who has prescribed me with Stemetil which I have to say certainly seems to help with the head pressure and feeling of being sick and gets me through my working day however I don't really want to be stuck with this for my life ? :shrug:

I don't know if you are like me personality wise, however anxiety does seem to run in my family. I am very sensitive to other people and the environment - I resulted with an INTJ personality type which perfectly describes me.

This may / may not have helped but you are certainly not alone.

Thanks for commenting.

I have a question, you say you experience 'vertigo'. A lot of people confuse vertigo and dizziness, but they're different... Vertigo is a sense of spinning, actual you spinning or the room spinning... dizziness can be more of a sense of being off-balance and swaying. If you're experiencing actual vertigo that tells me the inner ear or migraine is probably involved. So based on that, do you get actual vertigo?

I'm an anxious and extremely tense person by nature. I'm extremely sensitive to the energies other people are giving off. I have the ability to read people exceptionally well.

15-06-17, 04:48
Thanks for reading this.

For 7 years I've been experiencing strange dizzy sensations when I move, I feel unbalanced (never actually fallen), I feel as if the ground is a trampoline, I feel a jerky sensation... as if I'm being pulled from left to right... All of these symptoms are exacerbated by complex visual environments (kitchens, stores, enclosed areas with heavy detail in the environment).

I've had my inner ear tested by specialists to see if there was damage; all testing was normal. I've had multiple imaging tests of my brain and neck; also normal. Doctors were perplexed and never gave me an 'official' diagnosis. It was implied by one specialist that anxiety could be the culprit, something called psychogenic dizziness, but even that doctor was unsure as to what was wrong. And I don't have Lyme disease.

I do have a history of anxiety.

My question... Who here has experienced the sensations I experience? Has anyone experienced these symptoms and been cured?

Again, thank you so much for reading this.

Before I address the elephant in the room, let me tell you something I realized while sifting through several different diagnoses to explain my anxiety symptom. That whole Lyme bs is a pseudo-diagnosis. I know because I became engrained in the idea that I had celiac Disease and pernicious anemia. I would eat anything I PERCIEVED to have bread in it and almost immediately feel a knot in my stomach which was very distressing. BUT it was only because I THOUGHT that those things had gluten in them. Anxiety is very tricky condition. I've had a multitude of symptoms, most of which have gone away since I reassessed my condition. I ate battered shrimp and withheld my desire to freak out about something I KNEW had gluten in it, and nothing happened. The same thing can be applied to Lyme disease. I feel dizzy? Oh must be the Lyme disease. I feel extremely cold? Oh must be the Lyme disease. If you weren't bit by a tick (and you would notice if you were) there's a 99.9% chance you don't have Lyme, and even if you did, you would be disabled within a period of time. They even took the label of "the great imitator" from lupus (which is a very serious disease) and applied it to Lyme disease. Lyme disease is very real but don't fall into the Lyme pseudodiagnosis because that's a whole nother rabbit hole to get caught up with.

As for your dizziness. I did experience this over a short amount of time, but 7 years seems extraordinarily prolonged. Have you tried any therapeutic solutions to your anxiety to see if that's the source of your problems? I've tried both exercise and antidepressants and both seem to work to an extent. Antidepressants I would only recommend based on the extent of your anxiety but exercise is a good start. I know the dizziness would probably make it slightly difficult to walk or run but you could also try equipment to see if that has any effect. Other than that I hope your issue resolves itself soon

15-06-17, 07:30

From reading again I guess my description of vertigo may be incorrect. As an example of what I feel, one of my hobbies involves going to watch my local football team and I sit I would say about half way up the stands. Whenever there is any action sequence (such as my team scoring a goal) I have real difficulty when standing up to the point where I have to literally hold on to my chair from the fear of falling over, in the last match I saw I remained seated all game as I felt so unsteady on my feet. I put this feeling down to vertigo (problem with heights ?) but maybe this is not correct.

I haven't always been like this, I really like going to football matches and used to sit along the top row. It's only been the previous couple of years this problem has become progressively worse.

Your quote 'I'm extremely sensitive to the energies other people are giving off. I have the ability to read people exceptionally well.' - yes this is me too 100%

15-06-17, 12:37

From reading again I guess my description of vertigo may be incorrect. As an example of what I feel, one of my hobbies involves going to watch my local football team and I sit I would say about half way up the stands. Whenever there is any action sequence (such as my team scoring a goal) I have real difficulty when standing up to the point where I have to literally hold on to my chair from the fear of falling over, in the last match I saw I remained seated all game as I felt so unsteady on my feet. I put this feeling down to vertigo (problem with heights ?) but maybe this is not correct.

I haven't always been like this, I really like going to football matches and used to sit along the top row. It's only been the previous couple of years this problem has become progressively worse.

Your quote 'I'm extremely sensitive to the energies other people are giving off. I have the ability to read people exceptionally well.' - yes this is me too 100%

Now that sounds more like what I have... and more along the lines of what experts would call 'psychogenic dizziness'.

It's hard to believe anxiety can cause something like this.

In the US doctors now calls this Phobic Postural Perceptual Dizziness.

15-06-17, 19:49
Before I address the elephant in the room, let me tell you something I realized while sifting through several different diagnoses to explain my anxiety symptom. That whole Lyme bs is a pseudo-diagnosis. I know because I became engrained in the idea that I had celiac Disease and pernicious anemia. I would eat anything I PERCIEVED to have bread in it and almost immediately feel a knot in my stomach which was very distressing. BUT it was only because I THOUGHT that those things had gluten in them. Anxiety is very tricky condition. I've had a multitude of symptoms, most of which have gone away since I reassessed my condition. I ate battered shrimp and withheld my desire to freak out about something I KNEW had gluten in it, and nothing happened. The same thing can be applied to Lyme disease. I feel dizzy? Oh must be the Lyme disease. I feel extremely cold? Oh must be the Lyme disease. If you weren't bit by a tick (and you would notice if you were) there's a 99.9% chance you don't have Lyme, and even if you did, you would be disabled within a period of time. They even took the label of "the great imitator" from lupus (which is a very serious disease) and applied it to Lyme disease. Lyme disease is very real but don't fall into the Lyme pseudodiagnosis because that's a whole nother rabbit hole to get caught up with.

As for your dizziness. I did experience this over a short amount of time, but 7 years seems extraordinarily prolonged. Have you tried any therapeutic solutions to your anxiety to see if that's the source of your problems? I've tried both exercise and antidepressants and both seem to work to an extent. Antidepressants I would only recommend based on the extent of your anxiety but exercise is a good start. I know the dizziness would probably make it slightly difficult to walk or run but you could also try equipment to see if that has any effect. Other than that I hope your issue resolves itself soon

I agree 100% with your statements about Lyme.

I workout religiously. I recently started Effexor. I truly am at a loss as to why I'm suffering for such an extended period of time.

16-06-17, 08:07
I have the same feelings off and on, I notice the more I pay attention to them the dizzier I feel. If I ignore it I don't feel as off-balance...so i guess that means it's probably anxiety.